Misconceptions About Sleep Apnea That Sleep Dentists Shouldn’t Willingly Trust In Dental Sleep Medicine Space
The world is full of information. Unfortunately, it is also full of misinformation, and in few cases, that misinformation can deceive people, even dentists (training to build a strong presence in the world of Dental Sleep Medicine) for that matter into practicing things that are bad for patients health. For instance, there are a many popular sleep apnea myths that could lead dentists into believing them and stopping from treating necessary patients with sleep conditions in the space of Dental Sleep Medicine. In this blog post, we will be exactly going to learn about what sleep apnea implies to, why sleep apnea occurs and how sleep dentists mustn’t trust a few of those misconceptions. So let’s begin…
What Is Dental Sleep Medicine Apnea?
Sleep apnea is a sleeping disorder that can cause extreme health issues, which includes excessive blood pressure and heart problem, if untreated. Untreated sleep apnea causes breathing to stop repeatedly throughout sleep, inflicting loud snoring and daytime tiredness, regardless of a complete night’s sleep. Sleep apnea can have an effect on anyone, however most usually older guys who’re overweight. Treatments for sleep apnea are available. If you’re a regular dentist who wants to implement Dental Sleep Medicine practice but have no idea on how to go about it then you can opt for online Sleep Medicine Courses For Dentists.
Why Sleep Apnea Happens? Explained By Dental Sleep Medicine!
Sleep apnea takes place while the muscles in the back of your throat loosen up too much to permit regular breathing. Sleep dentists can learn to determine and manage the symptoms of OSA with our Online Dental Sleep Medicine Courses. These muscles aid structures such as the tonsils, the triangular piece of tissue hanging from the soft palate (uvula), the tongue and back of the roof of your mouth (soft palate). When the muscles loosen up, your airway closes or diminishes as you breathe in, hampering your respiration longer or for 10 seconds.
This can decrease the level of oxygen in your blood and cause a build-up of carbon dioxide. Your mind senses this impaired respiration so that you can reopen your airway and in short rouses you from sleep. This awakening is normally so short that you do not recall it.
You can arise with shortness of breath that rectifies itself swiftly, within 1 or 2 deep breaths. You would possibly make a gasping, choking or snorting sound. This pattern can repeat itself 5 to 30 times or more every hour, all night long.
These disturbances damage your capability to attain the restful, deep tiers of sleep, and you’ll probably seem sleepy during your waking hours at some point of time. People with sleep apnea won’t be aware about their interrupted sleep. Many people with this form of sleep apnea do not recognize they have not slept properly all night. Here’s where dentists associated with Dental Sleep Medicine practice along with other sleep medicine specialists help one in diagnosing sleep apnea.
How Sleep Dentists Shouldn’t Willingly Trust The So Called Misconceptions About Dental Medicine Practice For Sleep?
Here are some of those debunked misconceptions that a sleep dentist should be aware of:
Misconception #1 – Sleep Apnea Is Not A Huge Deal
This concept couldn’t be further from the truth. The pauses in respiration that signify sleep apnea make it not possible for an individual to get a good enough quantity of rest. Hence, they will be afflicted by headaches, daylight fatigue, reduced work productivity, and mood disorders. If sleep dentists do not treat an individual having sleep apnea for long enough, it can even contribute to heart attack, unhealthy weight gain, and stroke for that particular patient.
Misconception #2 – Sleep Apnea Is Simply Snoring
Snoring is a general symptom of sleep apnea, however the two are without a doubt very different. Snoring is the sound that outcomes when air pushes beyond soft tissues in the throat, inflicting the tissues to vibrate. For many people, snoring is not anything more than an occasional annoyance and is nothing to fear about. Sleep apnea is a medical condition this is described through frequent pauses in breathing throughout the night. As a sleep dentist you need to recognize the difference.
Misconception #3 – Sleep Apnea Impacts Only Obese Individuals
It is accurate that extra body fat, across the neck in particular, will increase an individuals risk of suffering from OSA (Obstructive Sleep Apnea). However, as a sleep dentist you ought to know that anybody can be afflicted by sleep apnea. It can afflict children, seniors, adults, men, women, athletes, non-smokers, and smokers. There is no group of people who’s absolutely exempt from the danger of developing sleep apnea.
Misconception #4 – Consuming Alcohol Makes You Sleep Better
Some people enjoy a drink before they go to bed as it makes them drowsy, and that they assume that it may increase the quality in their sleep. However, this is the opposite of true. As a sleep dentist you need to be aware and keep patients well informed on how alcohol can really worsen sleep apnea as it relaxes muscle tissues throughout the body, consisting of the ones in the throat. It can therefore increase the danger of airway blockage at night.
Misconception #5 – A CPAP Machine Is the Sole Approach To Treat Sleep Apnea
Doctors normally prescribe a CPAP system to assist their sufferers deal with sleep apnea. However, a sleep dentist must realize that there are a number of effective options. For instance, a custom oral appliance, which moves the jaw of an individual forward in order to keep the airway open at night, is much more comfortable and handy than a CPAP. Lifestyle modifications and surgical operation also are feasible methods to assist deal with sleep apnea in sufferers.
Bottom Line:
Don’t be fooled by misconceptions regarding to sleep apnea! Knowing the facts about this dangerous condition can help you to take the proper steps in implementing the right Dental Sleep Medicine practice and to fight it as well as offer the high-quality rest that the patients deserve.