Why Do You Need a Spinal Cord Injury Attorney?

A spinal cord injury is life-threatening and can happen to anyone at any time. Unfortunately, as a result of a car accident, motorbike accident, or other forms of traumatic situations involving personal injury, this type of injury is rather common. Santa Barbara personal injury attorney has successfully represented paraplegia and quadriplegia plaintiffs in several spinal cord injury cases. Other legal firms frequently refer their most significant and challenging cases to us since we are a nationally recognised personal injury law practise.
Attorneys will be there for you every step of the way. You will get a highly qualified and award-winning personal injury litigation practice with the financial resources to handle a spinal cord injury case.
Compensation for Spinal Cord Injuries
Our spinal injury lawyers will fight for the following sorts of financial recovery and compensation:
- health-care costs
- suffering and pain
- medical treatment
- rehabilitation
- wheelchairs and other mobility aids
- alterations to the house
The Effects Of A Spinal Cord Injury On Your Body
Damage to the fiber tracts that convey impulses to and from the brain can occur as a result of a spinal cord injury. In fact, if the spinal cord is severely damaged, the spinal nerves below the injury may continue to receive impulses but will be unable to interact with the brain. Also, a severe spinal cord injury can cause lifelong loss of sensation and strength below the injury site. If you or a loved one has suffered a spinal cord injury as a result of another person’s or company’s negligence, you do not have to face the consequences alone.
What Kinds of Accidents Can Cause a Spinal Cord Injury?
Spinal cord injuries can result from a variety of circumstances, including:
- Accident in a car
- Falling and slipping
- Accidents involving motorcycles
- Malpractice in the medical field
- Injuries in sports
- Products with flaws
- Assaults and acts of violence
Spinal cord injuries can have a significant impact on your way of life. The Spinal Injury Lawyers are familiar with the various types of litigation that can arise from a spinal cord injury, particularly those involving negligence or defective products.
Moreover, Acute spinal cord injury is a common unanticipated consequence of any accident, no matter how slight the impact.
Injuries to the spinal cord come in a variety of forms.
Your spinal cord can be harmed in a variety of ways, including:
- Injury to the entire spinal cord
When the spinal cord is completely damaged, the area below the injury is unable to interact with the brain. As a result, the victim’s motor and nerve function, as well as feeling and movement, will be completely lost below the injury. Also, Below the affected area, there will be complete paralysis. Paraplegia is the effect of this.
- Spinal Cord Injuries That Aren’t Complete
When some degree of movement and sensation function persists after injury, some messages can still be delivered via the spinal cord to the brain. Hence, the degree of mobility is entirely determined by the severity of the spinal cord injury. There are five types of injuries that fall into this category:
- Anterior cord syndrome is a condition that affects the spinal cord.
- Syndrome of the central nervous system
- Posterior cord syndrome is a condition that affects the spinal cord.
- Brown-Sequard syndrome is a condition that affects a person’s ability to
- Cauda equina syndrome is a condition that affects horses.
- Nerve Damage/Spinal Contusions
This is the most frequent type of spinal cord injury; it normally lasts only a few days and heals quickly.
The Signs and Symptoms of a Spinal Cord Injury
- Sense loss in the arms, chest, or legs
- Loss of mobility
- Spasms and excessive reflexes are common.
- Control of the bladder and bowels is lost.
- Muscle weakening or full loss of function are both possible outcomes.
- Breathing problems that may necessitate the use of a ventilator
- Sexual function loss or interruption
- Burning pain that persists due to nerve injury
Injuries to the spinal cord are treated in a variety of ways.
Checking the victim’s respiration is the first step in treating a spinal cord injury. A spinal cord injury in the upper neck might cause breathing problems, necessitating the use of a ventilator or a breathing tube. The victim is then immobilized with a backboard and a cervical collar to prevent any movement of the spine, which could result in further injury to the spine. Medical care will subsequently be limited to the establishment of an accurate diagnosis by emergency medical technicians. After a diagnosis is made, medical treatment may include a high dose of steroids. Hence, the goal is to reduce swelling and inflammation so that part of the damage to the spinal cord can be avoided.
To Relieve Pressure and Stabilize The Spine, Spinal Cord Surgery is used.
After that, victims of spinal cord injuries will be placed in traction or a cervical halo to stabilize the spine and avoid additional injury. Immediate surgery is the next step in spinal cord injury treatment. The goal of spinal cord surgery is to relieve pressure on the cord by removing fractured vertebral segments that may be compressing it. The use of rods, plates, and screws to support the spine is the second purpose of spinal surgery. The goal is to keep all of the spinal segments together until the bones recover. Therefore, Physical and occupational therapy are started after surgery to help you regain as much function as possible.
What Happens If You Get Hurt at Work?
Will I be able to continue working and supporting my family if I sustain a spinal cord injury at work? You will be compensated for things like lost pay and medical expenditures through a process called workers’ compensation.
While workers’ compensation does not allow you to sue your employer, it does allow you to sue any third-party who may have been negligent in causing your injury.
Spinal Cord Injuries Have Serious Consequences
Following an accident, any settlement or judgment obtained by our spinal cord injury lawyers will assist you in covering a variety of expenditures, including:
- Medical expenses- medical fees incurred as a result of the accident injuries, including doctor and hospital bills, medication, and future medical expenses if necessary.
- Wages lost – from work you may have missed or from being unable to work.
- Victims will be compensated for emotional and bodily distress that has lasted for a long time.
- Rehabilitation is important both during and after an accident.
- If necessary, wheelchairs and other assistive aids will be provided.
- If necessary, make changes to your home.
Why Should You Hire a Spinal Cord Injury Attorney?
Spinal cord injuries are among the most serious injuries that may befall a person. As a result, the losses incurred as a result of spinal cord injuries are more severe. Therefore, obtaining compensation for these spinal cord injury damages can be tough and complicated, which is why you need hire a personal injury lawyer. A lawyer who has handled cases involving spinal cord injuries can offer you with the knowledge and resources you need to deal with the various curveballs that these types of cases can throw at you and get you the compensation you deserve for your spinal cord injuries.
Because the damages in spinal cord injury claims are frequently quite significant, insurance companies will go to great lengths to defend a case. In this circumstance, not having an attorney can put you in a very tough position where the insurance company has complete control. Failure to comprehend the typical norms and processes in these matters might result; in errors that harm your case and lower the amount of compensation you could obtain. Skilled Santa Barbara personal injury lawyers can level the playing field, ensuring that you are not exploited and that your case is handled seriously. However, They can give you the knowledge and resources you need to give your case the best opportunity of obtaining the highest amount of compensation for your spinal cord injury damages.