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What SEO is for and what does it include: analysis for beginners.


The first step towards understanding SEO services in Karachi is understanding what site optimization is for and what it consists of. We explain point by point.

What is SEO for

Search engine optimization  – search engine optimization is the completion, development, and promotion of a site, taking into account the requirements of search engines.

Why do online stores, corporate portals, and even landing pages with business card sites need SEO:

  1. Growth of search traffic

Despite the popularity of social networks and instant messengers, Yandex and Google are at the top regarding attendance on the Runet.

Consequently, search engines remain the key sources of traffic to the site. So, according to Data Insight, online stores get about a third of visitors from search.

Content projects – corporate blogs, mass media, information sites that earn money from advertising – tend to have an even higher share of search traffic. But, again, this can be verified using Similarweb.

Media, brands, and agencies are interested in search traffic not only because of its potential volume. An important difference from other channels is that you do not need to pay for each click and transition to the site, as in contextual and targeted advertising.

At the same time, you cannot call search traffic-free, because especially at the beginning, you need to invest a lot in content, technical optimization, etc. But investing in SEO brings results and pays off in the long term (4 to 12 months).

  1. Improving user experience

The main task of a search engine is to give a high-quality answer to a user’s request. That is, choose among the many sites the most relevant, convenient, informative, authoritative. So, for example, search engines take into account when ranking:

Thus, when you do smart SEO optimization, you increase traffic to the site and improve the user experience in parallel. Convenience and information content give the visitor a reason to stay on the site longer, come back more and more, place orders, leave applications.

What is included in the SEO of any website?

Search engine optimization of the site includes the following types of work:

  1. Preparation and planning

Before taking specific actions in SEO, you need to decide on goals, strategy, and promotion tools. For this, the following are carried out:

Audit of an active resource  – the site is assessed to what extent it meets the requirements of search engines. In the process, errors are detected, for example:

Analysis of competitive sites  – data collection and comparison on traffic and traffic sources, number of pages, search queries, visibility in search engines, and more.

Collection and clustering of the semantic core  – selecting and grouping user search queries for which the site will be promoted. Taking into account the collected keywords and phrases:

  1. Internal optimization

Internal optimization works include:

Internal optimization also includes purely technical work:
  1. External optimization

The work on external factors starts when the internal optimization is well done, and all the technical work has been done.

External SEO includes the work of analyzing and extracting links to a website. You can get them, for example, by:

  1. Behavioral factors

At the stage of development and testing, it is impossible to consider all the nuances of user interaction with the site. What initially seems reasonable to the developer and customer may be inconvenient for most visitors. Web analytics systems show how users behave on the site and allow you to build hypotheses for further improving the resource.

It is important to constantly study and take into account the user experience while working on the site. When ranking, search engines take into account such indicators as:

What is no longer included in normal SEO

The following methods are no longer include in the SEO promotion of a modern website. Some of them are outdate and ineffective; some are harmful and can lead to a deterioration in the site’s ranking in search engines:

Buying links on exchanges

A method that implies a paid and automated placement of external links to the site (filters “Minusinsk” from “Yandex” and “Penguin” from Google are struggling with this)

Run through catalogs, message boards, forums

Another way to artificially get inbound links to your site

Cheating behavioral factors

Imitation of the actions of real users that is, artificially improving the viewing depth, time spent on the site, and more.

Promotion by position (keywords)

Now it is also practically useless, as the search results become more and more personalized. For example, Yandex and Google generate results based on location, query history, device, and many other factors. So being at the top for a specific request does not make sense since each user has his top.


Now that you know why you need SEO and what website optimization includes, you can move on. It is a long time, difficult, and not very effective to master internet marketing by articles, videos, and books on your own. It is better to study for an online course with practicing teachers, homework assignments, analysis of real projects, internship, and employment opportunities. Especially if, in addition to SEO, other areas are studied there: SMM, email marketing, contextual advertising.

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