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![lifeguard training](https://www.postipedia.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/Lifeguard-Class-780x470.jpg)
What are the benefits of swimming?
Unlike other types of exercise, it is suitable for all ages swimming creates a social environment. Where you can enjoy your free time while contributing to your healthy life routine. However, when done regularly, it increases heart and lung capacity, provides weight control and protects the person’s existing muscle mass. The relaxing effect of water also positively affects the person’s psychology. swimming It is an exercise that works the whole body, it causes every part of the body to use calories. Whether swimming strokes are freestyle or chest stretches, they work all the major muscle groups in your body with lifeguard training.
Swimming also provides flexibility
In the neck, shoulders, arms and legs. In addition, it improves coordination, flexibility and endurance. It is very important to have healthy eating and sports habits to protect the health of the body, prevent the occurrence of acute or chronic diseases and improve the standard of living. To increase body resistance, foods with high levels of vitamins and minerals should be consumed. Being aware of the fact that the foods consumed are especially hormone-free also increases the level of health. It is important to regularly take the amount of carbohydrates, fats. And proteins that should be consumed daily, recommended by experts.
Every age group can easily do Cardio exercises are the ones that reduce the fat ratio in the body. Running, walking, swimming and cycling are among the cardio exercises. Swimming is preferred in the summer. Due to the hot weather. It is an exercise that people of all ages can make comfortable. Since the strain experienced in sports. On land cannot be experienced in water. It is a sport that any small, large, overweight or thin can do comfortably. Young children can start swimming from the age of four.
Provides muscle development and general strengthening
Swimming strengthens all muscles in the body. Legs, arms, back, stomach work everywhere in your body, tighten and bloom. If you need inspiration, you can take a look at the body of famous swimmers.
Benefits of Swimming for Mental Health
People are exposed. To many different stressors during the day. This has an effect that increases blood pressure and causes nerve disorders. But water is known to help reduce blood pressure and relief. Benefits of swimming among them. Are the disposal of excess accumulated energy. With this feature, swimming is an activity performed in summer and winter. It is known that people who participate. In swimming activity at least. One or two days a week feel much better. Because when anger can not be directed at the right person. It prevents that person from throwing the negative energy at it for a long time. This can lead to bad thoughts and abuse of those around them. Swimming, which is not too exhausting and is a sport that everyone can easily do, also helps to think healthy.
Run all your muscles One of the benefits of swimming is that it works almost all muscles the same. It is normal for you to experience bone and muscle problems because you are only working out in gymnastics programs by concentrating on certain muscles. However, you will not face such a problem in swimming. In this case, you will protect your bone collection and joint health in the best way.
Swimming reduces high blood pressure
If you suffer from hypertension, swimming exercises are an excellent way to lower your blood pressure. One study found that 10 over a period of weeks significantly reduced heart rate in men and women who previously had an established lifestyle but were concerned about hypertension. In other exercises because of their weight, asthma or injury. In another study, after a year of regular swimming, insulin sensitivity improved in patients with hypertension as blood pressure dropped, which is the key to avoiding diabetes 2.
Swimming and weight control Physical and mental benefits of swimming it actually abounds. Because its physical effect is also psychological benefit. Swimming is not enough activity to lose weight, especially fat burning around the waist is effective. Swimming gives the person a healthy and ideal weight control. Many muscles work in different types during swimming, which is a sport that shapes and shapes the body. Special chest stretch style 30 minutes. Quick walk and 250 Kcal with a half hour bike ride. Prevent the risk of your heart disease with lifeguard training
In a study of patients with osteoarthritis; Researchers have observed that swimming is as effective as cycling to increase cardiovascular function and reduce inflammation. During my swim, the water surrounds our body and puts a pressure on the body of lifeguard training.
This allows our blood circulation to function more efficiently. Swimming as well as regulating heart rhythms also protects our heart health by regulating blood circulation. At the same time, swimming improves the lungs’ breathing capacity and provides more pure blood to reach our heart. Therefore, swimming is an activity that supports more heart health than other forms of exercise of lifeguard training.
Increases body flexibility
The human body Legs and joints are more relaxed in the water. In this way, swimmers gain flexibility and can easily open the limbs at larger angles.
According to a worldwide survey of approximately 4,000 swimmers, swimmers found swimming as a relaxing and relaxing sport. According to some studied. The secretion of serotonin, also known as the happiness hormone. Swimming reduces stress, relaxes and relaxes the nerves and makes you feel much better spiritually. Swimming, which is an activity in water, helps soothe mental states such as anger and irritability.
Low risk of personal injury There are many factors in choosing swimming. Muscles, ligaments and tendons are less difficult to swim than sports on land. For this reason, the risk of injury in swimming is less. Swimming muscles and bone system work very well and provide coordination between. The person’s muscles have orthopedic problems, especially waist, neck. Back problems related swimming is recommended. Due to the relaxing effect of water. kıbrıs gece kulüpleri , film siteleri , betpark , betgaranti
Improves bone density
For years, researchers have refused to accept the effect of swimming on bone mass. It was a general idea that only weightlifting was effective in this regard. However, in a recent study published in the Journal of Applied Physiology, for ethical reasons that prevented thorough bone examination in humans.
The mice were divided into 3 groups:
- Although bone mineral density increased.
- In the most running rats.
- The femur increased with those who did nothing.