Visiting a Shrink is as Important as Visiting a Physician

Psychiatry is the branch of medicine which deals with the study of the psyche of a person. Human beings are amazing creatures. They are the most intelligent species. Hence, they can think and analyze but. Their brain is the most capable of all the species in the world. Along with analyzing and thinking rationally and logically the brain also can feel things and emotions. Sometimes they can also predict things that are going to happen in the future.
Sometimes when they are hurt they may cry and other times they can be happy and also feel various emotions like laughter, anxiety, anger, envy, and a few others. All these emotions make them humans rather the balance of emotionality and rationality makes a human, human. As humans are complex creatures they have complex problems.
Taking care of mental health is as important as taking care of physical health
People may face physical problems and to seek their cure, they visit a doctor. But if they face any mental problems. Their reaction to that might be slightly different. We are living in the most advanced age. Yet, people still don’t give mental issues that much importance as they give them to physical problems. We need to realize that seeking medical assistance for mental issues is necessary for improved quality of life.
Talking about Pakistan, the situation is improving. Now, people are aware of it and they don’t think consulting a psychiatrist is a bad thing. Every big hospital has a specialized department of psychiatry where you find good psychiatrists practicing.
The times are getting better and people are getting more accepting of mental ailments
Almost in every big hospital in Pakistan, a psychiatry department is actively working whichever city they are in. If we talk about south Punjab. The largest hospital in the vicinity, Mukhtar A. Sheikh Hospital, MASH, has established a separate clinic for mentally disturbed people. The clinic is called “Spring Clinic” and you would find the best psychiatrists in Multan practicing over here. As we are living in crucial circumstances almost everyone is facing some kind of mental problem. Hence, this clinic was a much-needed thing.
The other hurdle in front of the clinic was the stubbornness of the people. The people living here in south Punjab come from conservative backgrounds. They also are a bit uneducated due to which they happen to be a bit rigid. These people were a bit reluctant to visit the psychiatrist as they thought of it as an offense to their self-respect.
The Spring Clinic created awareness among people
The clinic made these people aware of the fact that seeing a shrink for their mental health is not a bad thing. Rather it is very important for the improved quality of their life. Today, I encountered mental problems. We see that several people prefer to visit these psychiatrists in Multan who is not only practicing in the spring clinic but other hospital or psychiatry departments as well. The clinic has brought betterment and created a difference in society.
What are the common psychological issues occurring and does Spring Clinic treat them?
Well, the most common psychological issues would be
- Anxiety
- Depression
What is Anxiety?
Anxiety occurs when a person lives in his future and worries too much about it. In our lives, we all have felt it in one or another way. For instance before the result of an exam or when an India Pakistan cricket match is running on our TV screens. The fast heart thumping and in some cases sweaty hands and chill in the gut.
These are the signs of anxiety. In severe cases of anxiety, people feel such things at their extreme, and hence consulting a psychiatrist or psychologist becomes very important.
What is Depression?
Depression occurs when some trauma from a person’s past sticks with him and haunts him. In such a scenario the person loses his desire to live. People who get into depression sometimes reach a point in their lives that they commit suicide. This is a serious problem and demands an expert’s advice.
There are several other mental ailments that the spring clinic treats. The clinic and the team of the best psychiatrists in Multan which is practicing here have certainly improved the living standards of the people in the region.