Top 8 Marketing Trends You Need to Adopt in 2022
When it comes to marketing trends for the year 2022, you’ve probably already heard of some of them. Content marketing, influencer marketing, Personalized marketing, voice-activated ads, and e-commerce all have great potential to help you grow your business. But which ones should you adopt now? Read on to find out! And don’t forget to share this infographic with your colleagues!
Influencer Marketing
Among the most important marketing trends in 2020, influencer marketing is sure to remain a popular choice. This new strategy plays to consumers’ psychology and behavior. Research shows that 83% of people trust recommendations from friends and family over traditional digital advertising. Influencers are social media users who specialize in a niche and have followers with particular types of interests. Influencer marketing can reduce advertising costs by leveraging influencers in an innovative way. In fact, National Geographic recently teamed up with influencers in the field of wildlife photography to promote their new product line.
Content Marketing
As content marketing evolves, so do trends. In the year 2022, new trends and consumer habits will continue to emerge, and sticking to “what works” will lead to a dearth of marketable leads. Content marketing strategies should take into account your industry, your business goals, and your product or service. However, you should also be aware of some broad trends and consider them when implementing a content strategy.
Content marketing is the practice of creating and distributing relevant material on the internet with the aim of attracting and retaining the target audience, and driving profitable interactions with the brand. While most people associate content marketing with creating stuff you can sell, it actually has many other uses. Depending on the business, it could be anything from blogs and white papers to presentations and apps. There are even whole books written about it!
Personalized Marketing
Personalized marketing is a powerful tool that helps marketers create customized content based on the information that a customer provides. As more consumers opt-in to personalized content, marketers are able to target their efforts through different channels. The spread of personalized across various media channels will allow marketers to reach their target audience using various touch points and using the most appealing content. Personalized is an important part of business growth and will become a vital part of the marketing mix for brands in the next few years.
Voice-Activated Ads
Using your voice to search for something is already common. People use voice search to find local businesses. In fact, half of the population has already used voice search to find a business. Voice-activated ads will be the norm soon. When you speak to your virtual assistant, they will return sponsored content or handpicked ads. As a marketer, you should start thinking about voice-activated ads.
5G Technology
Although the rapid adoption of 5G technology has spurred a lot of hype, many service providers are still slow to catch up. Recent surveys suggest that only 40 percent of 5G users are satisfied with their network speed and innovative apps, while the remaining 70 percent are unhappy. To avoid falling behind, service providers must look beyond bundled services, which are available on 4G. Instead, they should create differentiated 5G experiences that promote exclusivity.
Mobile Devices
As the number of mobile users rises, marketers need to rethink their digital strategies. With more than 50% of online website traffic coming from mobile devices, mobile-first is essential for success. 56% of marketers focus on mobile email experiences. And the rise of permanent social media posts could overtake the popularity of ephemeral content. Here are eight mobile marketing trends you need to adopt in 2022.
The importance of storytelling in marketing campaigns has never been higher. A compelling story reveals the reasons why a consumer should purchase a product, while at the same time highlighting the need for the offer. Storytelling is a vital element of digital marketing in 2022. This trend is centered around improving the end-to-end customer experience and putting people at the center of business.