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Top 5 Benefits of Hiring a Business Consultant for your Startup

Consulting Services

You’ll discover how to sell high-ticket consulting services in this guide by following a proven step-by-step technique that we teach Sales Professionals, Business Owners, and Consultants all over the world.

If you are a business consultant for startups, the most important thing you’ll ever learn in sales is to learn and follow a sales process because it will provide you with what you’ll need to succeed.

That something is consistency.

How to Sell Consultancy Services With a Big Price Tag

Here’s a more in-depth look for a business consultant for startups on how to offer high-end consulting services:

1. Rapport

Building rapport with potential clients is the first step in any sales interaction, as understanding how to pitch high-ticket consulting services.

Your potential clients won’t feel comfortable providing information if you don’t establish rapport, and your sales conversation will stagnate.

Individuals buy from people they like and trust, therefore rapport is crucial.

By establishing rapport, you’ll be able to ask in-depth questions that will eventually lead to a purchase decision.

2. Qualifying

When learning how to sell high-ticket consulting services, the second thing you must master is qualifying your potential clients before engaging in a deep dive sales conversation.

Many salespeople make the mistake of speaking with people they believe are potential customers, but who are unable to afford their product or make a purchase decision.

You’ll save a lot of time, energy, and money if you qualify folks early. 

BANT is an acronym that can be used to create a qualifying framework for your sales process.

It was created by IBM and is a simple framework for remembering what questions you need to ask to properly qualify your potential clients.

The acronym BANT stands for:

3. Pre-Framing

When learning how to sell high-ticket consulting services, the third component we recommend you grasp is something that sets our sales process apart from others.

A pre-frame is what we teach.

The framing is the deep-dive sales conversation you’ll have with your potential client.

You’ll have the chance to ask questions and ‘frame the conversation’ in a way that leads to a decision – either to advance with the transaction or to decide that you’re not the appropriate fit for each other.

The pre-frame is the dialogue that takes place before the frame; in this case, it’s the conversation that takes place before your deep dive sales conversation.

You should cover three key points during the pre-frame:

There are two reasons why the pre-frame is so important.

  1. To begin with, you’re removing two common sales objections: the I need to think about it and then I need to speak with argument.
  2. Second, you’ll be given a license to ask deep questions, which is the next step in learning how to sell high-ticket consulting services.

Using a pre-frame will transform your business and sales process since you’ll be able to get to the underlying truth much faster than if you used a standard sales methodology.

4. Money Discussions

Discussing money is a crucial component of learning how to sell high-ticket consulting services and your sales process since it allows you to put a monetary value on what a solution to their problem and pain points will entail.

When it comes to money, there are two key points to remember:

5. Presenting

Following the discussion of money, the next step in learning how to sell high-ticket consulting services is to propose your solution.

Many salespeople approach presentations incorrectly, resulting in what we call “premature presentation.”

According to our Entrepreneur article, premature presentation is when you introduce your product or service before you know what problem they’re trying to solve in the hopes that anything you say will stick and resonate.

This spray-and-pray approach is antiquated and will not improve your closing rate.

Instead, we advocate that you explain your product or service by prescribing it to their pain spots and demonstrating how specific features and benefits you have would answer each of their problems.

6. Handling Objections and Closing

Finally, when learning how to sell high-ticket consulting services, the last module to master is dealing with their areas of concern and asking for a sale.

We do not encourage employing word tracks or sales scripts, even though many people do.

Instead, we suggest utilizing a straightforward and easy-to-remember objections framework.

The framework is as follows:

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