Forming and shaping processes may be classifiying into two broad types—those performed on the material in a liquid state and those performed on the material in a solid or tool plastic condition. The processing of materials in liquid form is commonly knowing as casting when it involves metals, glass, and ceramics; it is calling molding when applied to plastics and some other nonmetallic material and tool uses
Most casting and molding processes involve four major tools steps:
(1) making an accurate tool pattern of the part
(2) making a mold from the pattern
(3) introducing the liquid into the mold
4) removing the hardened part from the mold.
Screw driver:
The screwdriver shank is making of tough steel, and the tip is hardened to minimize wear. The handle is making of wood, metal, or plastic
After the material had formed, it is changing. In materials processing, a “removal” process is one that eliminates portions of a piece or body of material to achieve a desired shape. Although removal processes are applying to most types of materials, they are most widely using on metallic materials. Material can be removong from a workpiece by either mechanical or nonmechanical means.
There are a number of metal-cutting processes. In almost all of them, machining involves the forcing of a cutting tool against the material had shaped. The tool, which harder than the material to be cutting, removes the unwanting material in the form of chips. Thus, the elements of machining are a cutting device, a means for holding and positioning the workpiece, and usually a lubricant (or cutting oil). There are four basic non-cutting removal processes:
The properties of materials can be further altering by hot or cold treatments, by mechanical operations, and by exposure to some forms of radiation. The property modification is usually bringing about by a change in the microscopic structure of the material.
heat related:
Both heat-treating, involving temperatures above room temperature, and cold-treating, involving temperatures below room temperature, included in this category. Thermal treatment is a process in which the temperature of the material is raising or lowered to alter the properties of the original material.
Most thermal-treating processes are based on time-temperature cycles that includes three steps: heating, holding at temperature, and cooling. Although some thermal treatments are applicable to most families of materials, they are most widely used on metals.
the vise may be permanently bolting to a bench. In vises designed to hold metallic workpieces, the active faces of the jaws hardened steel plates, often removable. Along with serrations that grip the workpiece; to prevent damage to soft parts. he permanent jaws covered with temporary jaws make from sheet copper or leather. Pipe vises have double V-shaped jaws that grip in four places instead of only two. Woodworking vises have smooth jaws, often of wood, and rely on friction alone rather than on serrations.
For holding workpieces on the tables of machine tools, vises with smooth hardened-steel jaws and flat bases are using. These machine vises are portable but may be clamping to the machine table when in use. It means may also be providing for swivel the active part of the vise so that the work-piece can be holding in a variety of positions relative to the base. For holding parts that cannot be clamped with flat jaws, special jaws had provided.
Among the saws that are neither loops nor disks are three of the most common hand saws used by the carpenter: the ripsaw, the crosscut saw, and the backsaw. The first two have roughly triangular blades about 50 cm (20 inches) long, 10 cm (4 inches) wide at the handle. Tapering to about 5 cm (2 inches) at the opposite end. Ripsaws is using for cutting wood with the grain. It crosscut saws for cutting across the grain. The main difference between the saws is in the way the teeth are ground.
The ripsaw teeth have cutting edges that are at 90° to the blade and act like a row of chisels. The crosscut has knifelike teeth that set to alternate sides and cut two parallel lines on each side of the kerf. So that the wood in between had broken up. The backsaw is a crosscut saw with a rectangular blade. A heavy steel backing along the side opposite the teeth. Tthis keeps the blade perfectly straight. It is guirding by an attachment that keeps it level at all times and maintains it in the proper direction when making angular cuts.
tools maxhine:
Among the machines utilizing a rotating steel disk with peripheral teeth, the radial-arm saw is one of the most useful. The motor-driven blade manually drawn along a horizontally set shaft or pipe. It is calling a radial arm, that is itself supported by a vertical column attached to a heavy base. The motor-blade unit is free to move back and forth along the arm. It can be adjusted to different heights by movement of the radial arm on its vertical support. The motor-blade unit can also be pivoted to make angular and ripping cuts.
The table saw (or stationary circular saw) consists of a circular saw that can be raising and tilted. It is protruding through a slot in a horizontal metal table on which the work lay and pushed into contact with the saw. This saw is one of the basic machines in any woodworking shop; with blades of sufficient hardness. The table saws can also be using for cutting metal bars. For heavy cutting-off operations the circular or cold saw used extensively in steel plants such as cold-drawing mills or where large quantities of bars and shafts had cut. In operation, the saw carriage is fedding slowly into the work.