At the elementary school attached to the Faculty of Education of Kagoshima University. One tablet terminal has been distributed to each child since 2021 with the GIGA school concept of ITIL certification Melbourne. And it is being used together with cloud tools.
Children deepen their thoughts in-home study and come into contact with other children’s diverse ideas in class, leading to continuous and expansive learning. What kind of power are you trying to develop through seamless learning between school and home, and what kind of lessons are you aiming for by utilizing ICT? Based on the efforts of the school, we will think about the ITIL certification Melbourne necessary for children living in the future.
Awareness by connecting home study and class
I visited the 6th-grade mathematics that Professor Kohei Miyake is in charge of. This is a class to learn how to find the volume of a cube. The day before, the child tackles the problem for home study sent from Mr. Miyake through the lesson support tool, and after replying to the answer with the solution, he goes to the lesson. Before the lesson, Mr. Miyake grasps her understanding and questions from the children’s answers and proceeds with the lesson on the day.
The class started with confirmation of problems for home study. Children who see how everyone solves the questions posted on the tablet device find that the answers they arrive at are the same, but the ways they are asked differ from person to person.
Why is such a solution possible? Is this solution correct? Look at the tablet device, find someone who has an idea different from your own, and start talking. Every time a new solution was found and the whole class checked it, the children cheered and said, “There are other ways to solve it!”. By thinking about one problem together, many ways to solve it emerged, and the child wondered, “Why did this formula come about?”
Learning to deepen by noticing “misalignment” with others
Regarding the purpose of learning that seamlessly connects home study and class, Professor Miyake explains, “To focus on the most important things in class based on the individual thoughts of the children.”
“What I keep in mind when making discussions is to make the child aware of the difference between their thoughts and the thoughts of others. Even if you ask for the volume of the same cube, do you notice it? There is a way to solve it that I didn’t have. To make it easier to confirm the “misalignment” of this idea, I am working on a home study using CCNA training.
The in-home study, think by yourself and make it easier to find “misalignment” by focusing on discussions with everyone in the class. Professor Miyake recalls that there was the following trial and error before reaching such a class flow.
“In the past, when I was studying with a tablet at home, I always had my kids talk to me. If I didn’t understand, I could talk to my friends right away, but on the other hand, my hands, it was. Just happened. Everyone was convinced. How to fix it. If not, it’s good to be able to point them out as soon as possible. As you can see, it’s fast in your head It seems to be flowing.
Terminals for each person in the GIGA school
This time, based on the rapid promotion of school ICT environment development, such as the maintenance of terminals for each person in the GIGA school concept and the development of high-speed, large-capacity communication networks, the security required to utilize each terminal Revised guidelines to address issues such as network configurations that assume countermeasures and the use of cloud services. It was publishe on the website as “Guidelines for Information Security Policy”. And a revise version of the handbook explaining the core concept of the guidelines was also poste.
In this revision, detaile technical measures for access control measures are adde. And “measures for network separation” and “measures for access control” are clearly describe. For example, details security measures for school terminals to realize a system. So configuration with access control measures, “risk-based authentication”, and “behavior detection”. So that “malware countermeasures”, “encryption”, and “effectiveness of SSO” etc, are adde.
Security measures for school affairs
In the handbook, columns about “security measures for school affairs terminals” and “BYOD” are adde. And in the glossary at the end of the book, “behavior detection”, and “malware”, “risk-based authentication”, etc. It explains. There are no changes to the basic policies such as countermeasure policies and organizational structure.
The website of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology has posted two types of guidelines and handbooks, a revised version and an invisible version that shows the revised parts from the conventional version. I want you to use it properly according to the purpose.