![Diploma of IT](https://www.postipedia.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/istockphoto-695936656-612x612-1.jpg)
No one any longer believes that educational action can be deduced from a science of learning Diploma of IT and teaching from which the most effective program, methods and attitudes would relentlessly derive.
It would be just as indefensible to fall into the opposite excess, to make teaching an action so subjective, singular and opaque that each teacher could rely only on his own experience knowledge and his intuition about the right way to learn Diploma of IT and teach. The only reference collective knowledge would then be the knowledge to be taught, prescribed by the programs.
It is not uncommon to hear it said that teaching is art, the ineffable, the incomparable, the unanalyzable, even the unthinkable. This form of obscurantism harms the efficiency of the education system. The denial of all “objective” knowledge makes it possible to justify any pedagogical practice. Those who defend this point of view often contest the very idea of effectiveness in education, or imply that its definition is up to each teacher.
For the education system to become more effective, it is important that the majority of teachers admit:
1. That the educational action is finalize and that one can therefore, without being an incurable technocrat, question the relationship between its declare ends and the results obtaine.
2. That it brings into play didactic, pedagogical, psychological, linguistic and sociological processes of a certain generality and that it can therefore be the object of explicit and shared knowledge, established by the confrontation of experiences and approaches of research.
Students have prior representations that come into conflict with the knowledge
We know today at what level of mental development subtraction can be understood, we know better and better how we learn to read and how a reader works, we identify certain conditions for memorization, generalization or transfer of knowledge of Diploma of IT , we have identified certain emotional, cultural or relational factors that block learning, we know that, particularly in the field of science, students have prior representations that come into conflict with the knowledge taught, we know that the didactic contract modulates the status of error, hesitation, hypothesis, risk-taking, cooperation in the search for a solution, we have understood under what conditions certain situations or didactic approaches generate learning of diploma of information technology, etc.
Is this knowledge as reliable as that of the so-called “hard” natural sciences? No. Are they the subject of a total consensus? Not more, some are controversial. Will they be highly nuanced, complexified, enriched in the future? Without a doubt. Will some be totally denied in one or two decades? It’s possible. Does this knowledge cover all the processes involved in teaching and school learning? Alas no, there remain many gray areas.
The confrontation between researchers contributes
None of these limitations are outrageous. The very nature of scientific knowledge destines it to be constantly debate and rework. The confrontation between researchers contributes, as much as new empirical work, to enriching, restructuring, reshaping theories over the years. If medicine waited for biology to solve all the enigmas of life, doctors would still be healers, relying on theories. As diverse and approximate as they lacked experimental foundations.
We certainly cannot compare the human and social sciences to biology and even less to chemistry and physics. Their state of historical development is not the same and the very unequal distribution. Research credits and budgets between the various faculties. Does nothing, alas, to reduce this discrepancy. This authorizes neither the ignorance nor the contempt in which certain professors hold. The human and social sciences, some in the name of the hard sciences and their laboratory methods. Others in the name of the finesse of the literary and the philosophical, that they willingly oppose. The “cursory” and the simples of psychologists, sociologists.
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