Myths about Antibiotics and Animals That Needs to Be Busted

There has been a plethora of wrong information that has been circulating about veterinary medicine and zoonotic problems. According to the best animal doctors in Faisalabad, responsible advocation is one of the basic and primitive needs of this sector.
The veterinary doctors are always thriving to make sure that they are communicating and providing authentic information regarding what to prevent. Control, treat as well as how to support and promote animal health and of course how to take care of your animals and their welfare.
We have complied and decided to bust some of the myths in this sector so that proper information can reach the right clients.
Farm Animals Use High Levels of Antibiotics
This is something that has been circulating around for quite some time period and needs to be addressed properly. Not in any shape or form are farm animals using or being administered with a high number of antibiotics than they are being given to humans.
This fact has been backed by serious researchers which were proper and thoroughly conducted. The use of antibiotics per mass is actually lower in people than it is in animals. The animal sector has also made this very clear with the proper reduction of veterinary medicine in this decade.
Growth of Animals, All Thanks to Antibiotics
A myth that is half fact and half hearsay. There are some countries that consider this factor and the use of antibiotics in the growth of animals something that is not right. For example, in the EU it is strictly banned and most of the time frowned upon.
But apart from them, there are some countries or produces that do not consider it to be something big and defining and thus allow the use of this.
People Become Ill Because of Antibiotic Resistance that is Developed in Animal and Then Enters Humans
This is something that is enriched in all of our minds that the reason we all get in contact with various and diverse sets of diseases is because of animals. But the reality is not like this fictional world at all.
There exist a very fine and complicated series of events that have to occur for such a connection to commence. That is why the transference of antibiotic resistance from an animal carrier to a human is a rare occurrence.
And it is also important to note here that it is not a one-way road, when resistance is transferred to humans the same can happen to humans.
Humans Owe their antimicrobial Resistance to Overuse of Antibiotics in Animals
The thing about antibacterial or antimicrobial resistance is that whether. It is an animal or a human, both have the same way of developing it.
The over administration or the misuse of antibiotics in both humans and animals is what alters the genes which are responsible for the development of resistance. The transfer of antibiotic resistance can be cross-sectional in species and is not in any shape or form a one-way process.
And too much of our disbelief, almost 75% of the animals encounter this strange behavior from animals.
Although the authorities can make a call of action by taking. Responsibility and banning a certain set of antibiotics. Only allowing a certain set of antibiotics to be administered on animals. Will make sure that the bacteria handle selective pressure.
Food Contains Antibiotics
There exist very strict protocols in terms of antibiotics administration in the animal sector. This allows the medicines to have a subdued effect at the time. When the animal is being prepped up for slaughter.
This makes sure that the food products that are being used by humans are not affected. By the aftereffects of certain or serious sets of medications. So assuming that if you are developing antibiotic resistance it is because of food because well it is not.
The Bottom Line
Veterinary sciences is a very wide and highly misunderstood fraction out there. The information is available but is not being communicated to the right audience and that is something that needs attention.
Thus it is important and pretty much the need of the hour to advocate. The right and authentic information so that the gaps can be filled.