My Fridge Is Not Cooling, What Do I Do?

If your refrigerator isn’t cooling, don’t panic! There are plenty of things you can do to remedy the situation and have that fridge working as well as it did when you first got it. This guide will show you how to troubleshoot and fix the most common issues with fridges, including both refrigerators and freezers repair that are not cooling properly. By fixing these issues, you can save yourself a trip to the repairman and save some money while doing so!
Step 1: Check The Temperature
Before you touch a thing, take a peek inside. The temperature should be between 36 and 40 degrees Fahrenheit. If your fridge is running warm or hot (or smells funky), proceed to step 2. If it’s within range, check out these other common refrigerator problems before calling for service.
Step 2: Clean The Condenser Coils
The condenser coils are located at the back of your refrigerator. The air from inside the refrigerator gets blown over these coils and cooled down before it circulates through your fridge. Sometimes, though, dust and grime can build up on these coils. This can prevent them from doing their job properly and so you should give them a clean every so often—especially if you notice that your fridge is not cooling as well as it used to.
Step 3: Clean The Evaporator Coils
This is a common problem that can be remedied by cleaning your refrigerator’s evaporator coils. This will keep your fridge running efficiently and at optimum temperature. You can clean your evaporator coils by simply disconnecting them from the back of your unit and use an air compressor to blow away dust and debris (don’t touch any exposed wires). Make sure you unplug your refrigerator before beginning work. Once you have cleaned off all visible grime and dirt, reattach your evaporator coils and turn on your appliance. If it still does not cool down properly, move onto step 4.
Step 4: Clean the Condenser Fan Shroud
If your fridge is not cooling and you’ve already checked for external factors (like a tripped circuit breaker), it’s time to go inside. The next step is to make sure everything within your refrigerator is running as it should be. To begin, clean off any dust or debris that may have built up on your condenser fan shroud in an effort to make it run more efficiently. This will ensure that air blows into (and through) your appliance rather than outside of it.
Step 5: Change Air Filters
Dirty air filters block airflow and force your fridge to work harder. How can you tell if your filter is clogged? If it’s been about 6 months since you changed it or cleaned it (you should do so every 3 months), there’s a good chance that’s causing your problems. Also, look for signs of mold growing on your filter. It may be time to replace it! Finally, make sure all vents are clear of debris. You might need to vacuum them out with an attachment. Just don’t use a power-hungry vacuum cleaner because it could overload your compressor. Use an old one or get someone else to do it.
Step 6: Defrost & If Still Doesn’t Work
Replace It. First thing you should do is defrost your fridge. Make sure you’re regularly defrosting your fridge to ensure it’s working at its best. For a full size refrigerator, unplug and remove all food from your refrigerator and freezer. Remove all shelves and drawers to access hard-to-reach areas of your refrigerator. Set it to 24 hours so it will start slowly defrosting when plugged back in. If it still doesn’t work after that: replace it! You can find some great deals on Commercial Refrigeration Services here. If you want to buy a new one, check out our guide on how to choose a new refrigerator for tips on what features are most important for your needs and how much you should spend.
Resources & More Information
You can use a refrigerator temperature gauge (or a thermometer) to check that your fridge is running at optimal temperatures. Most fridges should be kept between 35 and 37 degrees Fahrenheit. Anything below or above that range could cause problems with your food’s shelf life and spoilage. If you notice your fridge isn’t cooling well, these are some steps you can take to get it back in working order