Make your spine strong and flexible with these 4 yoga asanas
Strengthen the spine by doing yoga. In order to avoid diseases related to it. The spine plays an important role in keeping the human body erect. Women or men who work sitting in the house throughout the day, their spine gets bent and in such a situation it becomes weak later. For this, one should always practice yoga related to the spine for an hour. Stress is reduced by doing yoga exercises that strengthen the spine because the nervous system and brain are connected to the spinal cord. Our waist, back, spine and hands are most affected while working at home. In this article, we will tell you about 4 yoga asanas to make the spine strong, which makes the spine strong and flexible.
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Bhujangasana strengthens the spine, stretches the spine, arms, and back
This yoga practice strengthens the spine. There is strain on the spine, arms, and waist. Hands and waist also get strength. And this should be done for at least 10 minutes. To do this yoga asana, lie on the mat on your stomach facing the sun. And place the hands on the mat and slowly lift the front part of the body like a snake. Maintain this position for some time. Then come back to that state. And if you are doing yoga for the first time, then it is better that you do the asana under the supervision of an expert. Otherwise, it can cause many problems.
Paschimottanasana keeps the spine straight
By doing Paschimottanasana, the spine becomes strong. This posture is made up of two words – ‘Paschim’ means back and ‘Uttan’ means to stretch. And during this asana, the back part of the body along with the spine gets stretched, due to which is named Paschimottanasana. This keeps the spine straight. If children do this, their height increases. This asana is very beneficial for health. Helps to cure various types of diseases. Sit on the ground with both legs spread straight to do this asana. And there should be no distance between both the legs and keep the leg straight. Keep the neck, head, and spine straight as well. Then place both your palms on both the knees. And now slowly tilt the head and torso forward and try to touch the toes with your hands without bending your knees. And after that take a deep breath and release slowly. After then try to touch the head and forehead with both the knees.
The stretch created by Margariasana makes the spine flexible.
Margariasana strengthens the spine. There is a strain on the spine by doing this asana. And this should be done 10-20 times at least. Stretching makes the spine flexible. This asana also helps to stretch and strengthen the spine. To do Margariasana, sit in the posture of Vajrasana. Then keep both hands on the floor forward. Lift your hips up by putting weight on both hands. And straighten the thighs up and make a 90-degree angle at the knees of the feet. Then take a long breath and tilt your head back, push your navel up from the bottom and lift the tailbone. And now while exhaling, tilt the head down and try to touch the chin to your chest.
Setubandhasana improves muscle and blood circulation
This asana is beneficial for strengthening the back. Repeat this asana 4 times. The spine, hip, chest, and neck are all stretched by this yoga practice. Strengthens the back, and hamstring muscles. Improves blood circulation. It calms the mind and also opens the blockages. It also helps in reducing stress.
To do this, lie down on your back. Bend the knees and keep the feet on the ground at a distance from each other. The feet should be 10-12 inches away from your stomach. And keep it in a straight line with knees and ankles. Then keep the arms by the side of the body and keep your hands down. Breathe in and raise the waist slowly. Gently fold the shoulders in this sequence. And touch the chest with the chin without bringing the chin down. Then balance the weight of the body with the help of the shoulders, arms, and legs. And try to bring your hips and body into this pose. Keep both the thighs parallel to each other and to the ground. Keep breathing comfortably in this sequence. And stay in this position for some time and when you come out of this position, then exhale.
If you are a fitness freak and want to learn more about yoga poses, then you should learn the 100 hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh.
Always do yoga under the expert guidance:
If a patient does yoga asana, it is possible that he may face problems due to health issues. That’s why people should try to do yoga only under the guidance of a yoga expert. If there is any kind of problem in the body, then along with getting treatment for it, do yoga only after consulting an expert. Otherwise, instead of benefit, there may be a loss.