Is the Cane Corso Right for Family

If you’re here, we believe you are at the very least contemplating the possibility of including a Cane Corso in your home. It is likely that you have seen what an amazing companion to a Cane Corso is. They are faithful and magnificent with an impressive presence, however, make sure you know that THE CANE CORSO is not the ideal breed for everyone.
As breeds that they are, they come with traits that some appreciate. However, some people find it slightly unpleasing and some find it utterly disgusting. There are a variety of breeds that meet various needs. There are more than 200 purebred breeds of dogs all over the world. You might be better off with a different breed. Perhaps you’d do better with cats. Perhaps you’d be happier with a goldfish, a parakeet, or a hamster. Or certain houseplants.
Do not buy a cane Corso if you drawn to the breed solely because of its appearance. The appearance of a dog’s breed does not make you appear more masculine! If you’re looking for an animal because you believe that he is strong or makes you appear powerful, it’s not the reason to purchase a Cane Corso.
Reasons Why to Choose Cane Corso for Family
Extremely Secure and Affectionate
After they have passed the “cute” puppy stage, the Cane Corso is a ~110+ lbs. dog that requires a lot of interaction and training with an experienced pet owner, since they aren’t a “happy-go-lucky” mastiff – they do not “love” everyone they meet. They’re not interested in other dogs and people and are very cautious of their home and family. They are distinctive, extremely affectionate, secure, and serious dogs that require careful consideration before taking a Cane Corso adoption.
Agility and Tracking
Cane Corsos thrive when they are able to think. They excel in agility and tracking, obedience dock diving, protection, and nose work. If you are looking for a breed of dog that can play in dog sports such as dock diving, the Cane Corso is an excellent option. They are highly driven in their quest to satisfy their masters, and they are awed by training that incorporates positive reinforcement.
Obey Instructions
Don’t buy a Cane Corso If you do not intend to teach (train) your pet. Basic obedience and house rules training is not an option in the case of those who own a Cane Corso. In the simplest sense, you should be able to teach him to obey instructions to come, to lay down, to remain and walk by your side, either on or off-leash, regardless of the temptations. It is also important to ensure that he follows the rules of your home: e.g. If he permits to climb onto the furniture? Do you allow him to eat food at the table?
The way you handle it is irrelevant, however, it is essential that you, not your dog, make these decisions and enforce your rules regularly. It is essential to commit to attending an 8-to 10-week course of weekly classes with an obedience club in your area or a professional trainer, and also to do at least two briefs (5 up to twenty minutes) homework sessions every day. Once commands are learned, they need to be integrated into your everyday life when necessary and being enforced consistently.
Mental and Physical Abilities
Children CANE CORSO puppies can be simple to train. They are very eager to please, smart and calm, with decent concentration. When a CANE CORSO has been taught something, they tend to keep it in mind. Your adorable, sweet little Cane Corso puppy can develop into an enormous, strong dog with a very assertive personality, and the will to finish what he has started.
If he grew as a puppy who respects the rules you set that is, all of the strength and strength of his body. And mind can use to your advantage. If he grew to adulthood without the guidance of rules and regulations from you, then surely the individual will create his own rules and his mental and physical abilities tend to be contrary to your desires and wants.
From Where to Buy Cane Corso Dog Tips
A lot of CANE CORSO’s taken from shelters and pounds are clear that they’ve had no or very little basic training. Not even in obedience or in the home department, Yet, these dogs do are very responsive to training from the rescuer or adopter. It’s likely that the failure to teach the dog is one of the major reasons for CANE CORSO being abandoned. That’s why always buy or adopt dogs from cane Corso breeders like Banner Mountain Cane Corso thy have many Cane Corso for Sale.
If you aren’t planning to train your dog, particularly in the early years of its life. You’ll prefer one that is smaller and socially respectful, e.g., a Shetland Sheepdog. This breed requires training, but just a tiny more is better than a Cane Corso. It is a CANE CORSO that can, with proper training, perform well in these competitions, such as hunt and field trials as well as agility, obedience, and tracking.
DO NOT GET if you aren’t able to offer him work. This breed needs stimulation for its brain as well as regular exercise and training. If her work is greeting customers in a retail store or herding animals around farms or helping take care of your kids each day, this breed has to be involved in something. It is not possible to take them to a dog daycare facility and expect to get their requirements for mental stimulation there.
Furthermore, you shouldn’t keep your dog outside for more than 8-10 hours per day when you work. If they don’t get their need for mental stimulation then they’ll find different ways to keep themselves entertained. It could be as simple as fights with dogs of the neighbor or digging holes or chewing on objects they’re forbidden to.