CLAT has many myths that you should be aware of. However, true opinions and facts also work here. So it’s up to you to decide what you believe in.
Following are the CLAT Myths that a CLAT Aspirant should avoid.
Coaching from Institute is required for CLAT Aspirants.
Many people believe that a CLAT Aspirant cannot succeed unless he has attended a coaching institute. The coaching institute will not spoon feed you. They will simply explain the CLAT Syllabus, and the topics of the five sections, and provide you with their materials. The most important factor is your mental fortitude and challenging attitude toward the exam. You can find many suggested books in each section on Google. You can begin preparing by reading the books and doing the exercises. CLAT is constantly in need of practice. You can watch online videos about any topic that you are unfamiliar with. Purchasing online mock test series from two or three centres will greatly assist you in cracking CLAT. Aspirants can also go for CLAT Online Coaching.
CLAT needs luck on that day
The above declaration may not be at all inadequate at all. However, I believe that ‘Luck’ will not be enough to help you pass this exam. Throughout the year, you must work hard and strategically to prepare. If you get some common and well-known questions, consider yourself lucky. However, your confidence, mental ability, concentration power, and time management will eventually allow you to succeed.
Some CLAT subjects are irrelevant for law School
Some say that some CLAT subjects like logical reasoning and math won’t help you for further study in your law school. There also lie many strong and relevant arguments. As CLAT is an aptitude test , it is likely to know your ability to interpret a statement, your ability to crack an argument logically, and your numerical ability to know the sharpness of your brain. So these sections help out to find a law student who can logically interpret problems.
Only a good public speaker should take the CLAT in order to become a lawyer!
A doctor does not always mean to perform surgery, and a lawyer does not always mean to speak. This is about knowing what you can speak from your perspective. The most powerful concepts for a lawyer are your opinion and your ability to think about anything. Of course, you should not be a shy person or a quiet person who refuses to speak! However, you must communicate your ideas and arguments in order to support your point of view or opinions.
Mathematics is not required to pass CLAT.
One of the most common misconceptions about this exam and NLUs is that the math section is not required to pass CLAT! Surprisingly, the mathematics section is significantly less weighted in the CLAT, you should not take it for granted. CLAT Exam has a high level of competition, and every mark counts. Every year, an estimated 70,000 or more students take the CLAT exam. A total of 1,000 students will have the opportunity to enlist in top NLUs.
Only NLUs can make you a successful Lawyer
Yes, aspirants will hear this as well. People will tell you that all of your CLAT preparation time was a waste if you cannot make your way to NLU. It makes no difference if you get into a good college. It all comes down to how much effort you are willing to put in. The people you interact with on a daily basis in college greatly influence your personality. You compete with sharp, competitive people in a good college. Yes, it can be difficult at times, but it prepares you for the battle you will face after college.
Opportunities are limited
Do you agree with this? If so, my friend, you haven’t fully explored the field of study. So, if you’ve been clinging to this prejudice, it’s time to let it go. Law students expose themselves to numerous opportunities that others may overlook. To begin, law aspirants can pursue a variety of legal careers, including practising law, judicial service, civil service, legal consultant, teacher or professor, defence services, and many others. As a legal aspirant, you will have numerous opportunities and will be able to easily succeed in the field.
These are the myths of CLAT. You just have to decide whether to take it positively or negatively. So, avoid confusion, be confident, and ace the Exam!