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Important Benefits of Taking Fish Oil Supplements for Adults

If you’re an adult and don’t include fish oil among your daily supplements, don’t fret.

Whether you’re 25 or 50, there’s always a risk of having a heart attack, depression, and stroke. And these are just some of the diseases that you can prevent by the help of fish oil supplements.

You might ask how?

But before we get to the juicy part (might we say oily), you must know what fish oil is and how it benefits your body.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Fish oil is the fat or oil that is extracted from the fish tissues of oily fish like tuna, herring, mackerel and many more. The omega-3 fatty acids that are present in oily fish is what makes its extract special. Dubbed to some as the “liquid gold” of supplements, fish oil specifically contains two omega-3s called docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), both contributing to the overall health benefits of the supplement.

To complete the omega-3s family, you might say that alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) is the “black sheep”. It is because you can only get this omega-3 from nuts, seeds and vegetable oil and not from fish oil. Omega-3s are not produced by the body but it is naturally present throughout the body. For example, DHA contributes the highest percentage of the fatty acids present in your brain which facilitates visual and cognitive function. Ultimately, you need all of the three omega-3s in order to maximize the benefits that these essential fats bring.

Since your body does not naturally produce omega-3s, these essential fats must be obtained from external sources. Fish, nuts, flaxseed oil and vegetable oil and other food rich in omega–3s are essential to an adult’s diet. However, not all people are fans of these foods, particularly fish. Therefore, fish oil can be a good alternative because they provide the essential omega-3s that your body needs all inside a little capsule.

Benefits of Fish Oil Supplements

Important reminder: Before you rush to the nearest store to buy over-the-counter fish oil, seek advice first from a medical professional because there are certain fish oil products prescribed to people with very high triglycerides and you might/might not need that. 

The benefits from the essential fats of fish oil are linked around the areas where omega-3s are present in our body. Aside from the DHA concentration in our brain, omega-3s are also present in the retina and sperm cells, surprisingly. Below are scientifically-proven benefits that are provided by fish oil products. 

Improve Cardiovascular Health

Lower the risk of Heart Disease and High Blood Pressure

Getting to the heart of the subject, studies have shown conclusive evidence that fish oil contains anti-inflammatory effects that may help prevent cardiovascular diseases. Omega-3s does not directly assure the prevention of heart attack or stroke but studies have shown that it reduces some of the risk factors associated with cardiovascular diseases. Some of these risk factors include:

      • Triglycerides
      • Blood pressure
      • Atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries)
      • Arrhythmias or abnormal heart rhythms

Lower triglycerides and increase “good” cholesterol

Naturally, omega-3s act as an anticoagulant by lowering the body’s triglycerides. Triglycerides are a type of fat that is found in your blood and is stored as energy between meals. High triglyceride levels indicate that there is an increased concentration of this fat in your bloodstream and may cause coagulation or hardening of the arteries (arteriosclerosis) which eventually leads to stroke, if not treated. Also, studies have shown that fish oil products raise your HDL or “good” cholesterol. 

Improve Joint Health

Studies have found out that fish oil reduces pain, morning stiffness, and inflamed swollen joints of people suffering from Rheumatoid Arthritis. Aside from treating joint pain and inflammation, omega-3s also support bone health by helping the body regulate calcium absorption. 

Improve Eye Health

As said earlier, the omega-3 DHA is present in your retina therefore it is essential in maintaining your quality of vision and overall eye health. Studies have shown that people who don’t get enough omega-3s have an increased chance of developing eye diseases.

More importantly, your eye health gradually declines as you age. Supplementing with fish oil not only protects eye health, but also reduces the risk of eye degeneration.

Improve Cognitive Function

The main omega-3 that is essentially crucial for the development of the brain is DHA. An insight by nutrition scientist Ashley Jordan Ferira explains how omega-3s ensure healthy neuronal signaling through synaptic transmission which translates to boosting vision, memory and other cognitive functions. 

Some studies suggested that omega-3s may help prevent cognitive degeneration in older adults. However, this area of study is subject to further investigation and research. 

Improve Immune Support

Omega-3s have been proven to have anti-inflammatory properties which help signal the immune system in activating natural defense pathways. This in turn helps the body combat oxidative stress while directly supporting the immune response in the body.

May Improve Mental Health

Studies in the epidemiological sector suggest that the EPA and DHA omega-3s present in the fish oil may help fight depression by balancing the ratio of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids. Supplementing omega-3s are also used in studies regarding antidepressant therapy. 

Although there is conclusive evidence that fish oil can help treat various neuropsychiatric conditions, more research and investigation is needed to fully discover fish oil’s effectiveness on improving mental health. 

Key Takeaway

Just like any other nutraceutical, the essential fats of fish oil supplements can be best derived from real food. The main advantages of fish oil products is its convenience and purity. Meaning, fish oil products are less likely to contain contaminants because of the purification process it undergoes during manufacturing.

Supplements or not, omega-3 fatty acids are an essential part of an adult’s diet. They have been scientifically proven to have benefits in cardiovascular and mental health. But always remember to check with a medical professional before consuming supplements, especially if you have underlying health concerns.

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