How to select the best Office Space for Rent in Gurgaon?

Your office space and environment play a major role in your employees’ productivity, engagement, and satisfaction. Your office space reflects your company’s culture and most of the Indian companies neglect the office environment to save some money. Eventually they end up with less retention and poor employee satisfaction.
On a surprising note, 97% of the employees believe that their office space plays a major role in their productivity but on the other hand, 78% of the employers think that their staff can work in any environment. The disparity of 19% plays a major role in the growth of a company. Another study of 1,000 Indian workers shows that only 11% of them are highly satisfied with their workspaces. And nearly half the workers claim that their office design is poor and have no personality.
Still not convinced? Here are some benefits to having a beautiful office space in Gurgaon that is beautifully designed and decorated according to your company’s vision and office culture.
- Disengaged employees aren’t satisfied with their office environment which directly hits their productivity.
- Dissatisfied employees are unproductive and do not make any contribution to the growth of the company.
- A well-maintained indoor office environment results in people taking few leaves, retaining the employees, improving employee satisfaction, and increasing productivity.
- Employees who enjoy their office environment are more engaged, productive, happy, and healthy.
Here are some key factors that you can consider before choosing an office space for rent in Gurgaon.
The first and foremost factor that surely helps the HR department is the location. Office spaces that are near to public transport, markets, shopping complex engages more employees. Even interviewees don’t feel hesitant to turn up for the interview which increases the chance of early job hiring. Also, it helps to maintain the employees’ punctuality on a good level.
Rental Property
Unless you are not planning to rent out your office space, there is no need to buy an office space in Gurgaon. If you are a small-scale company, then you should always consider office space for rent in Gurgaon .Because you can invest the remaining money that you were planning to invest in your office space on the technological advancements, staff hiring, etc.
Size always Matters
Contrary to a popular belief, size does matter – that too when selecting an office space. But that just doesn’t mean that bigger is better. If you have a staff size of 150 employees, always consider 20-30 seats extra just to create some breathable space. We understand we are living in India and we are good at accommodating our needs and requirements in small spaces. But when it comes to office space, be modest. At the end of the day, it’s your business and you have to be honest with yourself.
Visit before you commit
Trying before testing should be one of the basic principles of your business. Before hiring you conduct several rounds of interviews and even after joining, you put an employee on the probation period. Then what’s the point of directly signing the deal before visiting the premises? A rental property is a long-term commitment of at least 11 months. And you should consider visiting and checking the property with your crucial team members so that you can get a second opinion on your choice.
Creative office spaces encourage creative working environments with an entrepreneurial spirit. Redefining the way work is done by cultivating a community of intellectuals, thinkers, achievers, and imaginers. Office space for rent in Gurgaon is located in the prime locations that are easily accessible. And you can get the best office space for rent in Gurgaon by researching on an extensive level without missing any vital aspect.