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How to choose the right seo companies belfast?

How to choose the right seo companies belfast?

There are simple and common sense criteria for choosing your seo companies belfast among the many web agencies or service providers that offer to reference your website.

The goal is to find the agency that best suits your business profile and can respond precisely to your needs, establish an SEO strategy and produce results.

To choose the right SEO agency

Here are some questions to ask yourself:

  1. Is the agency trustworthy?
    Analyze its e-reputation, get a first glimpse of the agency by telephone contact, is the agency even visible on Google, does it create textual content, does it provide you with credible references?
  2. Which budget to choose?
    No agency offers an identical price for this type of service because it all depends on the area of ​​intervention of the agency, your market, the competition and your objectives linkedin marketing agency.
  3. Where to start?
    To begin, you must establish a technical audit of your site to first see if it is well optimized for Google’s SEO standards to offer you the appropriate services.
  4. What is my need?
    Each company does not have the same need in terms of objectives and visibility because everything is oriented by the searches or “queries” made by Internet users to find the answer to their needs and therefore YOU!
  5. What are my goals?
    After defining your need, you have to see in the long term what you are aiming for in terms of results: competitive positioning, speed of implementation, and prospecting thanks to your business keywords…
  6. Fast and guaranteed results?
    Depending on the targets you have chosen, your positioning will progress steadily and the first results will appear after a few months, but are they guaranteed?

1. How do I know if the agency is trustworthy?

There are several ways to find out if the seo companies belfast you want to consult is serious and effective:

2. Which budget to choose?

No agency offers an identical price for this type of service because everything depends on the agency’s field of intervention ( from the simple optimization of the site’s technical tags to the creation of textual content, work on linking pages and obtaining backlinks ), your market, competition and your objectives. The difficulty in choosing your seo companies belfast is that there is a multitude of prices often ranging from 1 to 20 and for which it is difficult to compare because the details of the services often remain opaque.

3. Where to start?

If you are looking for SEO referencing services it is because your site is not visible on the Internet, so from there you will have to understand what is wrong to be able to define the scope of intervention of your service provider. Don’t worry, you don’t need to study SEO in detail to understand everything, just inform yourself about the analysis services generally offered by agencies to better understand the heart of the problem.

To begin, you must establish a technical audit of your site to first see if it is well optimized. compared to Google’s SEO standards and if it does not require a total or partial redesign before starting this work, this is the essential first step. From there it will be possible to offer suitable services to boost the visibility of your site and prepare an estimate.

4. What do I need?

Each company does not have the same need in terms of objectives and visibility because everything is oriented by the searches or “queries” that Internet users carry out to find the answer to their needs. A merchant site specializing in warm clothes will not have the same needs as an accounting firm or a service company wishing to be visible only in its region. For example, the merchant site will be more likely to want to target more competitive keywords related to its products for sale (e.g. “ear cover cap” or  “women’s parka” ) while an accounting firm will choose key expressions related to its activity . in his/her city/region (e.g.  “cabinet expertise competence Paris” ). This is why the choice of keywords is crucial.

  1. 5. What are my goals?

After having defined your need, you have to see in the long term what you are aiming for in terms of results.

Is it necessary to appear at the same level as its competitors ( need for notoriety ) or rather on queries bringing prospects who have expressed a need related to your activity?

Do you want to appear on the keywords of your main competitors on the first pages (competitive need)?

Within 6 months or faster?

Do you want to be in the first position when we search for this or that keyword on Google?

If you know exactly what you want, it will be easier to help you achieve your desired goals.

You should know that a trustworthy agency will never think to tell you that in the space of 1 or 2 months everything will work flawlessly. SEO natural referencing work is long and often difficult. Depending on the targets you have chosen, your positioning will follow a steady progression once the natural referencing service has been implemented, and the first results will appear after 3 months.

For short-term work, if you want to be visible immediately, it is better to opt for the SEA method, is to set up an Adwords campaign in this case.

Summary of the main criteria for choosing your SEO agency:

  1. e-reputation: opinions and comments on the agency
  2. visibility: position of the agency in Google answers
  3. contact: presentation of a clear method
  4. service: the creation of content and follow-up over time
  5. proof: customer references on keywords
  6. guarantee: commitment to results

If you need advice or solutions whether in SEO or e-marketing, do not hesitate to consult our site on natural referencing! Don’t worry, we don’t bite!

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