
How Do Students Interact During Online Classes?

How Do Students Interact During Online Classes?

In every educational setup, interaction plays a vital role. Without interacting with each other, neither students could learn anything nor the teacher could teach anything. So it is important to have a continuous and constant interaction or discussion in the classroom. Interacting is easier in in-person or on-campus classes, whereas in online there is usually not that smooth conversation. Because in online classes, you get relatively less chance to speak up. For instance, in physical classes, you have to some extent, to make constant eye contact with the teacher or even the teacher through your facial expression to learn so many things.

Interaction during the online classes:

The situation has improved a lot now, but there was a time when there was zero interaction. In the online class, either the teacher recorded the lecture and provided it to the students. It was supposed that students would understand all the things through those recorded lectures, or there was also an online class where the only teacher could speak, and all the students were supposed to hear. This has not only impacted the learning of the students, but students have also lost interest. There were no any more interested in taking online classes. Even the students have started asking for different services to “take my online class.” Even though now, with a different application, online classes have become, to some extent, interesting but still, the interaction is not up to the level of satisfaction. To make class interesting and improve the progress of the students, it is necessary to interact during an online class.

Ways students can interact during online class:

Although the interaction of the students in online classes is also affected by technical errors. Less interactive or somehow a boring lecture never gains students’ attention. So, here are some easy and practical that will help students to interact during a virtual class.

Ice-breaking is a must:

No matter if you are taking an online class or an in-person class, ice-breaking activities are a must. The first initial step toward interaction in the class is the ice-breaking activities. To break the ice, you can ask every student to introduce themselves in front of the whole class so that everyone could know each other and the students in the class could know each other. This will make the students of the class think that they belong to one class and they are one unit. In ice-breaking activities, you discuss different things other than the academic content to create an environment where no one feels lost or strange. These activities’ objective is to allow everyone in the class to know about each other.

Pair students to work together:

Now with the advancement in technology and online meeting apps, you can create personal space for two or more people. They could have a discussion there too. One of the greatest ice-breaking activities is when you randomly pair up students from the class and make room for them where only that pair is present. (The host of the meeting can do this). And ask them to give a brief introduction to each other. For instance, their name, likes, dislikes, hobbies or any interesting thing about them. After that, ask every student to introduce their partner.

This activity benefits you a lot. The first thing by having a conversation in that virtual room with one person, they get the confidence to speak in front of the whole class. Secondly, student-student interaction happens. Thirdly, teacher-student interaction occurs when the teacher asks to introduce each other. And finally, when students share what they learn about each other, they interact with the whole class.

Ask questions from every student:

The teacher must make it a rule to ask questions from every student personally. Either by any specific order or randomly, but ask students questions in the class. This will not only make the class interactive and will not allow students to lose their attention as they know anytime the teacher could ask them a question. And when you ask a question, your educational online class automatically becomes interactive as every student gets a chance to interact, which sometimes initiates new discussions or debates.

Initiate group discussion:

Another way through which students can interact in online classes is through group discussion. You can also make groups of the students virtually as you do in a physical class and give them a topic of discussion. The only difference in these discussions is that they are done virtually; other than that, everything is similar. Another thing that you can do to increase students’ interaction with educational each other is to give them group assignments and projects. While working together, they will surely interact with each other, and a bond will be created among them, which will, later on, help in making regular classes interactive.

Give feedback and ask students for their comments:

The best way through which students can interact in the online classes is to ask for feedback from them. At the end of every class, ask students how the class was? Give them a chance to clarify all their confessions or to ask questions. The best and most interactive class is one where everyone gets a chance to take and give feedback. After every class, at the end of the last 5 or 10 minutes, give your feedback about the class and then ask the student about their comments. Keep the forum open for suggestions from students.

Encourage to participate through chat:

Most students hesitate to speak in front of the whole class, which is why they try to avoid interaction. Even there are students who even did not respond when their names are called. Interaction in an online class takes place when students of the class participate. The only thing that matter is classroom participation. The option of chat is a blessing for the students who hesitate to speak. Teachers should encourage students to participate in the class through educational chat. This makes the class interactive and benefits the teacher because when students use the educational chatbox, they do not interrupt the teacher during the lecture, and all the questions and comments are delivered through the chat option.

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