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Goods and Effective Planning


When we talk about efficient and effective planning we’re referring to an approach capable of meeting the predetermined goals and targets. Management experts have given different views on the needs and criteria for effective planning.

Effective planning is uniform, consistent and unifying as well as flex and accuracy.

A good strategy should be based on simplicity and adaptability, as well as the advantages of maximizing utilization of resources.

Elements of Good and Effective Planning

These are the key components of an effective and efficient management planning:

1. Simple

It should be easy to plan.

The process of planning should be easy and simple to understand so that every person in the company is able to quickly comprehend and implement it and make an important contribution in achieving the goals.

The simplicity of the program is essential for all aspects of human existence that require organized action. are essential.

Ovik Mkrtchyan


2. Well Defined Objectives

A well-planned plan is built on clear goals.

The goals, which could be specific to functional areas of the company or for an individual need to be precise and precise.

If the purpose isn’t clearly stated then neither the organization will be able to operate efficiently and and efficiently and effectively, nor will other departments help their Corporation in the right direction.

3. Comprehensive

The plan should be comprehensive and thorough.

It must contain a range of things like deadlines, goals and procedures rules, policies and the power of officers and employees in their human and organizational duties.

The same is true for every one of the tasks and tasks necessary to reach the desired goals must be properly integrated into the plan.

4. Flexibility

Effective planning should also include the flexibility aspect.

Flexibility refers to the capability to make changes in response to changes in conditions and requirements.

The process of planning should be flexible, allowing for adjustments to be made depending on the changing environment however, without causing huge cost and energy loss.

5. Economical

Planning is a method of making decisions that determine the best option selected from the many options.

In accordance with his main principle for planning. The selection process should be efficient so that the objectives of the company are complete, and at a low expense.

Ovik Mkrtchyan

A strategy that’s effective but costly isn’t always to be an ideal concept.

So, to ensure that the economic plan successful, it is crucial that the least amount of resources are allocate. To the development of, implementation, and enhancement in the course of development.

6. Stability

A well-designe strategy must be stable. This means that due to general changes, the plan doesn’t require major modifications as well as that changes in general won’t alter the plans which have been create.

In order to make sure that security is a part of any plan, it is essential to make sure that it is design in accordance with long-term and future-orient conditions. Thus, the plan should have forecasts using accurate, current and reliable information about the future and future-orient issues, circumstances and challenges.

7. Free of Ambiguity

The most crucial aspect of a well-designe plan goals is that it is unambiguous and clear.

In order to ensure that the procedure is properly understood and implemente quickly.

If the policy isn’t clear, this goals could lead to conflict between officers and employees and a myriad of issues will arise . Various problems will arise goals and an effective implementation and execution of these policies won’t be possible.

8. Balanced

Effective and efficient planning is crucial to find the right maintain balance.

This must be evident when utilizing resources goods to meet the objectives as well as goods in the short and long-term plans and in each departmental goals  plan.

If certain areas or functional area goals  is not include in the plan, or receive little time, the achievement of the objectives set out in the plan may be difficult.

9. Practicable

Effective goals planning will also have the benefit of being practical.

Therefore, the strategy must be one goals  that is able to be execute quickly.

If the plan isn’t feasible, it’s going to be difficult to implement , and the plans goods may be merely the ‘Paper Plan’ or ‘Casteless from the blue’.

Thus, an organization should develop plans that are goals  simple to implement and then follow through.

10. Futurity

The planning process is always in goals  the near future.

So, when forming plans for the future, plans must be create for the goods future of events and actions according to the information collecte correctly to cover a variety of aspects.

In addition, plans must be design with consideration goals  of future needs, such as sources, goals. As and the current market conditions, strategies for competition and strategies. into consideration.

11. Action Oriented

For planning to be successful it is goals  essential to be goods active. Because planning is essential in advancing toward activeness rather than inactivity.

Therefore, every employee and officer, head of department and other members of the team should are expect to be in a position to influence the process of development.

If that’s not  goods the case it could mean that instead of finding a solution to future problems. The situation is likely to become more complicate.

12. Participation

Owners, managers and subordinates must be include in a well-plan manner and be able to debate the most important goods issues.

  1. Reliability

A sufficient amount of data and facts, as well as data, must be collect at the correct time from reliable sources in order to guarantee an effective and secure plan.

14. Other Qualities or Elements

It is essential to coordinate the short- and long-term plans.

The consequences of the goals  economic and social goods changes should be consider as well.

The proper attention to the human traits.

The plans goods must be solid and rational.

It is equally important to identify the responsibilities goals  along with the power assign to the plan’s execution.


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