If you wish to form a new business or a startup in India, you must first register with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA). Furthermore, it is not essential to register at the corporate office. it can be done from the convenience of one’s own home. Tax HelpDesk can exactly help you with that. In addition, Tax HelpDesk is one of the best online tax filing services in India. Moreover, it offers one of the most reliable services when it comes to income tax and GST-related registrations like in this case startup registration. Keep reading this blog.
How to Start a Business?
In India, founding a Private Limited Company is one of the most commonly recommended ways to start a business. Furthermore, stakeholders have less accountability and ownership in this type of business. Furthermore, an LLP (Limited Liability Partnership) is a business structure that is owned and operated by a group of partners. The directors and shareholders of a Private Limited Company Registration can be separate.
Fundamental Requirements for the Formation of a Company in India
- Your organization’s name should be unique. There should be no confusion between the proposed name and any existing businesses or trademark registrations in India.
- A business’s registered office does not have to be a commercial site. Even more, A NOC from the landlord is required to use the leased property as the registered office.
- A private limited company must have at least two and up to fifteen directors. At least one of the firm’s directors must be an Indian national.
- A company is not required to have a specific amount of capital. A company’s authorized capital should be at least one lakh rupees.
Benefits of Foreigner Company Registration in India
There are numerous advantages to beginning a business. Your company’s legitimacy will be enhanced if it is registered. It has the following advantages for your business:
- It protects you from personal liability as well as other dangers and damages.
- Boost the number of customers you can serve.
- It’s simple to get bank loans and good investments from reputable investors.
- Protects the assets of your firm from liability.
- Stability and increased capital contribution
- Enhances the company’s ability to develop and expand.
Documents required for the Indian company registration process
For Indian to Register a Company in India:
- Copy of a proposed Directors’ PAN Card
- Directors’ proof of address (passport, voter ID, ration card, etc.)
- Aadhar card/electricity bill
- Bank statements, electric bills, telephone bills, mobile bills, and so on are examples of residential proof.
- Proof of a registered office
- For office premises, proof of evidence for any utility service such as telephone, gas, electricity, and so on.
- Shareholders’ proof of identity and address
- The words AOA and MOA are often used interchangeably.
For Foreign Nationals to Register a Company in India:
- Passport photocopy (Notarized or Apostille)
- Address proof for the directors is required, such as a driver’s license, a residence card, a bank statement, or a government-issued form of identification with an address.
- Bank statements, electric bills, telephone bills, mobile bills, and many others are examples of residential proof.
- Proof of a registered office
- Proof of any utility service for the office premises, such as telephone, gas, or electricity.
- Shareholders’ proof of identity and address
- The words AOA and MOA are often used interchangeably.
How to Register a Company in India?
- Obtain DSIC
- Request a DIN number (Digital Identification Number)
- Fill out an application for Name Availability.
- Submission of a document such as a memorandum of understanding (MOA) or an agreement of understanding (AOA).
- Fill out Form Spice+ with all of your information.
- A Certificate of Incorporation with PAN and TAN will be issued by the Registrar of Companies.
So if you want to start a business in India but are having trouble getting it registered? Don’t worry. Tax HelpDesk has got you covered. In addition, it is one of the most comprehensive and trusted online tax filing services India. You can easily go through your startup registration without hassle in no time!