Effective Steps to Manage Your Neuropathy the Right Way

If you’re suffering with a myriad of health problems, then there’s a lot more going on in your body than meets the eye. One of the more difficult aspects of having certain diseases is that they often lead to other health complications that can be even more difficult to treat. One such disease that is notorious for accompanying other diseases is neuropathy. For instance, patients that have diabetes or cancer often also suffer from neuropathy, and needless to say this causes a lot of disturbance in their lives.
What Is Neuropathy?
Neuropathy is a condition in which the peripheral (Hand, feet, legs, arms) have a tingling or burning sensation that causes restlessness and irritation. Once again, neuropathy is often caused by other diseases.
The neuropathy someone faces can be both peripheral or on the whole body. It depends on the severity of the disease and is caused by nutrient deficiencies, cancer, diabetes, inheritance, having a weak immune system, and different toxins.
Symptoms Of Neuropathy
Symptoms of neuropathy range according to the intensity of the disease. It can be a tingling feeling in your palm or fingers or a complete burning sensation. The pinching condition can be described as feeling “pins, thorns, or needles” in your hand.
Some people experience their hands being extra hot or extra cold with a numb feeling that might lead to the loss of grip in their hands or the body.
Medications Of Neuropathy
As the cure is not fixed and no proper treatment of neuropathy has been found, it can only be managed through alternative healing methods. When you go to a doctor for treatment, they will likely prescribe antidepressants, painkillers, and anti-seizure medications.
Therapies To Manage Your Neuropathy
The good news is there are less invasive options available aside from heavy medication. There are different therapies that may help in alleviating the symptoms of neuropathy. These therapies may be really helpful if done regularly.
Stem Cell Therapy
Stem Cell Therapy is one of the most promising therapies for neuropathy. The process of this treatment option works in a regenerative manner where the cells start to recover and heal.
Stem cells are undefined cells that have the ability to transform and develop into specialized cells.
As neuropathy occurs due to the degeneration of the nerves in the hands, feet, or other parts of the body, the stem cells provide a way for the nerves to rebuild and strengthen. This therapy may alleviate the symptoms of the disease and give extra strength to the body.
Plasma Exchange
If you are facing neuropathy due to a hyperactive immune system, it is probable that your body is attacking itself. A plasma change may prove beneficial and can help in treating inflammatory responses.
Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)
This method sends calm yet continuous electric impulses in the body and for a month in order to show some improvements treatment has to be continued.
Tips To Control Neuropathy
Apart from the clinical treatments that are provided for you to choose from, there are additional tips that may help you manage your condition easily:
- Light exercise regularly without breaks
- Meditate more often to release extra stress
- Stay away from smoking, drugs, and alcoholic beverages
- The acupuncture method may help alleviate the irritation
- A healthy diet with the right portion sizes can also help
Wrapping Up
If you want to manage your neuropathy, you have many options available. Keep checking yourself to protect yourself from harm. Consult your doctor as soon as possible if you feel the symptoms of neuropathy as it is a complicated condition. However, with the right help and information, you can manage your symptoms, and with the right tests you can get properly diagnosed and start working towards healing the root of your problem.