Digital Marketing Dances to the Tunes of Google, Panda & Penguin
How Does Our Body Move While Dancing? Each part of the body moves while dancing. Right? The same happens when Google Dances. Substitute ‘Parts of the body’ for ‘SERP’, which keeps on moving while Google Dances.
Let Me Elucidate This To You In Detail:
As we all know, Google keeps on rebuilding its rankings. And when that process goes on, then the results on the SERP keep on fluctuating.
What Was The Frequency Of Google Dance Before 2003?
Google Danced after every 36 days, which counted to 10 times per year. It was super easy to identify whether Google was Dancing or not. Whenever massive changes were seen around, it signified that Google was Dancing.
These changes kept on happening every minute.
How Long Did It Take For Google To Update The Rankings?
It used to take around FOUR days.
When Did The Old Google Dance End?
Ever since August 2003, Google has not danced with those traditional moves.
How Did Changes In The Google Dance Experience After August 2003?
Before 2003, Google used to update the Rankings after every 36 days, which counted to 10 times a year(as mentioned above). But after 2003, this number increased. Now Google Rebuilds the Rankings after every week, which measures 52 times per year.
Earlier, the approach to update the rankings was quite messy. But after 2003, this approach changed a lot. Now Google makes only a particular website dance. When your website is dancing, you should understand that Google is trying to find a suitable place to appear on SERP.
FACT – You Must Know
Most of the Fluctuations on SERP are seen happening on Mondays.
Is It Possible For Google To Make Fluctuations Every Week? If YES, Then How?
Google’s Spider keeps on crawling. In each crawl, it keeps on finding different materials. Each material helps it to find new websites that are capable of ranking.
What Does Googlebot Notice On Each Visit?
There are a few things that Googlebot notices in each visit:
- Is your website New or Old?
- Are you making use of competitive keywords?
- Are the changes which you are making to the webpage HUGE or MINOR?
- How many sites are linking to a particular website?
- How many websites does it link out to?
What Is The Significance Of Google Dance?
If Google does not dance, how would the rankings’ updates get possible?
Without Google Dance, the rankings on the website will get static.
Is It Worth Panicking When I See The Drop In The Rankings?
No, it’s not worth Panicking. Some Ranking-Drops are Temporary. After each drop, your ranking considerably increases. You are placed in a much better position than before.
What If The Rankings Of My Website Are Consistently Inconsistent?
Tricky, NO? By consistently inconsistent, we mean to say Volatile. If your site’s rankings are volatile, then it’s not a reason for being sad. It would help if you were happy to get special attention from Google.
Some people are searching for the answer to the question, “Is there any way to prevent Google Dance?”
Two types of people could be asking this question.
No. 1: Those Who Are Already Ranking In The Top
The websites which are already Ranked on Top fear of experiencing the fall. So in the wake of their desperateness to keep on ranking at the top, they tend to find ways to prevent the Google Dance.
No. 2: Those Who Have Lack Of Knowledge
The people who do not know the importance of Google Dance for their website tend to avoid Google. By wishing for such a thing, they are creating problems for themselves.
Should I Change The Course Of My SEO Practices When Google Starts To Dance?
No, Please! You should not. Keep on doing all those things (SEO Practices) done when your website was not Dancing.
How Long Does It Take For A Website To Rank?
Since childhood, we have been hearing that Good things take time. Right?
The same applies to SEO. If you are leveraging Good SEO practices on your website, please expect 3 to 4 months to make your website rank. At maximum, you can expect six months for your website to rank desirably.
Whenever We Hear The Term Dance Associated With Google , We Feel Curious About ‘the Panda Dance’ & ‘Penguin Dance’?
Panda is a periodic filter which means that Google’s algorithm leverages it occasionally to check the quality of Content. The frequency could be judged to a ‘FEW WEEKS’.
Whenever the Panda is in action, a significant fluctuation in the web positions is experienced since every website does not have good quality content. This way, the Panda Algorithm makes your website Dance.
Like the Panda Algorithm makes your website Dance based on the quality of Content, Penguin makes your website Dance based on the backlink profile.
Since its introduction in the modern digital world, it has played a massive role in affecting websites.
Final Comments!
The website Dance is a very normal thing. Instead, it is a good thing. If the Dance is not happening, this indicates that the ranking of your website is static, and It is not paying any particular attention in order to elevate the rankings.
When we refer to Google Dance, we refer to considerations based on all aspects.
Panda Algorithm only sorts the websites based on the Content published on them. If the Content is of low quality, then no matter how Good SEO efforts have been leveraged on it, it will rank lower.
On the other hand, Penguin Algorithm checks the quality of your backlink profile. Just like Panda Algorithm, it is also leveraged occasionally. But when it is in action, a storming transformation is experienced in the Search Results.
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