Cataract Surgery: Important Facts To Know About
Cataract Surgery: What are the top facts which are essential to know?
Are you planning to get cataract surgery?
Thankfully you have landed yourself at the right place. Being informed and aware of any surgical procedure before it starts is essential. Even if someone in your known is going to get the same, you have to be extremely careful about the entire situation and help them with everything.
Considering the whole situation, the ideal method which has to be considered is consulting one of the Best Eye Doctors in Punjab to get the proper care. This article will enlist specific facts about cataract surgery, or should I say you will get more familiar with the method so that there is no such issue during surgery.
Facts about Cataract Surgery
Laser cataract surgery is going to make the surgery journey easy for you
Are you worried that the surgery won’t be as precise as possible? In this case, laser cataract surgery makes the best choice because all the surgical tools are efficient & advanced, which allows the necessary further steps to be taken with ease.
Moreover, there is a high level of safety & accuracy when you get the surgery from one of the best Eye Hospital In Punjab. The developed method helps in reducing the risk to a great extent.
Advanced treatment reduces chances of corneal swelling
Is corneal swelling real? Yes, it is. However, the advanced method of performing cataract surgery helps to reduce the chances of corneal swelling. Moreover, the recovery time is reduced to a great extent. During cataract surgery, the energy used is limited, which helps in limiting the chances of cataract residue getting inside the eye.
Reduced surgery fear as the treatment has gotten better and safer
MICS (Microincision Cataract Surgery) involves making an incision of around 1.8 mm, which means surgical intervention gets down to a great extent. This surgical approach has been categorized as the modern method of doing cataract surgery, which eventually makes a lot of difference in eye health.
Downtime is reduced to a great extent
If you have to manage your family single-handedly, you can not spend much of your time sitting at home. It would help if you thought repeatedly about how the time can be ordered and how you can speed up the recovery time. The way of doing surgery is advanced, which helps in reducing the necessary downtime. The best part is that you can resume your work the very next day after getting surgery.
Hospitalization is not an issue
There is no stress of hospitalization as cataract surgery can be done on the same day. Moreover, the incision required is small; therefore, recovery is fast. Additionally, no bandage is needed for this surgery, which means the surgery will be done with ease. The same day you can go back home & get back to doing all the daily chores.
Do you think you are a suitable candidate for cataract surgery?
Would you like to know more about the surgery?
Schedule your initial consultation at Mitra Eye Hospital & Lasik Laser Centre to make an informed decision.