Health and Fitness

Basic Steps You Can Follow To Clean Your Vape Tank Elf Bar Vape

This article will show you how to clean your vape device, which includes a vape tank, e-cig tank, and Elf Bar Vape pen. After reading this article, you will be aware of the steps to clean your vape device correctly and its importance.

Keeping your vape clean will keep your device functional and have other benefits i.e.

  • Device working will improve.
  • Device tank and coil will work effectively, and their life will extend
  • Maintain vape device coil and battery connection.
  • Refreshes the taste of E-liquid
  • It preserves longer the flavours of E-liquids
  • It creates better vape clouds

Learning the right way to clean your vape device will help you avoid any damage to your vape device related to the coil, battery, and tank.

Cleaning of vape tank

Firstly, you need to clean your vape device and follow these steps to wash the tank.

  • Unscrew the tank from the battery and the coil, be careful that E-juice will not spill and try to dispose of it safely.
  • Wash the tank gently with warm water and a little bit of soap.
  • Read the instructions on the manual carefully before cleaning the device so you can use another thing like cleaning oil or some other thing despite warm water. Some vape manufacturers provide cleaning material when you buy vape from them.
  • Take cotton bud or cotton swab to clean the battery, coil and tank because there be a chance that some traces of vape juice might be left.
  • When you wash, be careful that do not battery be wet.
  • It is recommended that to change the coil, coils can be last few days or a few weeks might be according to your vaping style.
  • The last step is to dry everything carefully and make sure that every part of the vape device is carefully cleaned and dried.

Cleaning of E-cigarettes tank

There are some helpful tips you can follow for cleaning E-cigs.

  • Carefully disassemble the parts of E-cigarettes.
  • Take out every piece carefully, especially with the tank and battery.
  • Takedown your E-cig in a paper towel; this will remove dust particles and any remaining liquid inside the device.
  • Always read the manual if you want to use anything like alcohol or any other cleaning material to replace warm water.
  • Rinse the tank with warm water and try to dry out completely.
  • You should switch to a new coil, but go with the old one, there is no issue and dry out everything if you don’t have a new one.
  • Finally, put the E-cigarettes back together and enjoy vaping.

Cleaning of vape pen

You can follow the same steps to wash vape pens that are described above.

  • Disassemble every part carefully.
  • Wash every piece one by one carefully with warm water or other cleansing material you want.
  • You can also use PG as a cleaning agent.
  • Open atomiser dust off any remaining liquid with a cotton bud.
  • Wash the mouthpiece and you are done enjoying vaping & have fun!

Battery check-up at regular intervals

If you want your vape device to work longer, you should regularly take care of the vape battery, like once a week. If you use disposable vape like Elf bar Vape or Geek bar vape you don’t need to change your battery or refill the liquid. But if you are using a customisable vape, you should check battery charging and its power at regular intervals. Battery lifetime depends on your vaping style; how much do you vape in a day.

If you want your vaping device to work efficiently, you should also maintain the battery temperature because high temperature causes the explosion of batteries. So try to protect your battery from overheating. Many manufacturers applied safeguards on their batteries to avoid any complaints from vapers the battery will work longer.

If you want to buy vapes of good quality with extra powerful battery features, then it’s a suggestion to visit Alectrofag shop online.

These tips will help you alot to keep your vaping device new for a long time and extend the life span of the vaping device.

Household cleaning agents to get better cleaning results.

If you want to clean your vaping device deep, they can use these household cleaning agents.

Baking soda:

Baking soda is an excellent cleaning agent that can give sparkle to vaping tanks.


Ethanol is another highly effective substance for cleaning but is never confused with isopropyl alcohol which should not be used inside the tank.


Vinegar is another acidic substance that is easily found in household items. Its cleaning power is very powerful.

Ultrasonic cleaning Method

If you want to get a more thorough cleaning of vaping devices, you can use the ultrasonic cleaning method that specifically cleans precious metals like jewellery and metals. Using the ultrasonic cleaning method is not as complex; you just fill it with water and put all vape and tank items into it. Usually, 10 minutes cycles are ideal for vaping cleansing.

Cleaning of vape coil:

Cleaning of the coil is important and it can be different in the cleaning aspect. There are two types of cleaning coil methods.

Replaceable coils:

If you have replaceable coils, these coils come with a clearomizer and sub-ohm tank. Replaceable coils should be changed due to the presence of wicks and it is the best thing you can do with your vape. But if you want a few days more with old tired coils then you should follow these steps to clean your coils.

  • Soak your vape coil in warm water, ethanol, Vinegar, baking soda, cheap vodka or other cleaning material that you want.
  • Rinse it with warm water.
  • Put aside the coil and blow air on it to dry out.
  • You can use some heating source or sunlight to fast the process of drying.
  • Fix vaping coil back to vaping device after dry out.

Rebuildable coils:

If you are using rebuildable coils then you actually should have to clean the coil on regular basis. If you are feeling difficulty in vapours and taste bad flavour then vape said that you need to clean coil. Firstly you have to remove the wick from the vape coil you can ON temperature and pulse the fire button for this purpose. If you want that your coil works well as a new coil then you should follow these simple steps to clean a rebuildable vape coil.

  • Remove wick from your coil by heating but be careful don’t burn them more.
  • Remove atomizer from vape coil.
  • Place them in under running water for washing.
  • Brush coil with a toothbrush or use coil cleaning tool brush.
  • At last to remove the remaining droplets of water put the coil in hot air.
  • Fix back the coil in vaping device and enjoy vaping with a good flavour.

Change of E-liquid:

Change of E-liquid might be tricky if you do not pay attention because after cleaning of vape it is necessary to change E-liquid also and it looks like a burden and more work. If you enjoy mixed flavours then you can mix two different flavours of different brands if you are okay with it. But if two E-juices are very different then it might be possible that you never enjoy the flavours, so to deal with this there are some tricks that may help you to clean the remaining E-juice.

  • After removing all liquid from the tank take some 3-4 puffs this will help to dry out the remaining E-juice but not take more because more puffs are dry hit
  • When you take puffs to clean the remaining liquid keep it at a low temperature.
  • Here is another trick to remove the last drop of E-juice from wicks is to blow into the mouthpiece when burning mod, it will help to vaporize the juice.
  • For rebuild coils or atomizers, this process is simple and easy and RDA’s are very efficient atomizers for vapers who are easy in switching flavours.

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