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APEGS Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

The APEGS CPD Program sets up a benchmark to which a member will assess their ongoing professional development activities. The program offers tools to analyse requirements, plan programs, record and report activities.

Many of those with APEGS membership will exceed the minimum requirements in this program. An APEGS member, probably having help from their employer, will be better able to evaluate and fulfill their CPD needs via this program document.

Educational or training plans that were created through employer processes are acceptable for utilization as a CPD plan. The CPD Program offers a considerable amount of flexibility and plans that can fulfill each member’s specific needs. A member can accommodate their special circumstances by relying on CPD credits or asking for a program variation. Members get encouragement to take up activities that offer the greatest benefit to them in the practice of their profession.

The CPD Program has its establishment under the authority of the APEGS Council, as per The Engineering and Geoscientist Profession Act, ss. 15 and 16(2)(j). The CPD Compliance Committee (CPDCC) has taken up the responsibility of administration of the CPD on behalf of APEGS.

Establishing a Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Program:

A successful CPD Program needs an APEGS self-assessment evaluation of current skills, knowledge and competencies. The content and structure of a CPD Program is up to the individual member. However, for establishing an influential APEGS CPD Program, members have to complete the six necessary steps below:

6 Steps to create an effective CPD Program:

  1. Know where you are:

What combination of professional knowledge, skills, responsibilities and abilities do you have at the present.

  1. Identify present competencies and future professional goals:

What skills, abilities and knowledge are necessary for your current career or a future one? Your plan may include not only what you do now, but also what you will do in the future.

  1. Plan your program:

What skills, abilities and knowledge do you need to desire to gain or improve (for example gaps between Step 1 and Step 2)? Should your work program address changes in knowledge bases, technology and environments?

  1. Perform the plan:

Take up CPD activities that your plan identified.

  1. Report and record your activities:

What activity categories are there? Which categories require more focus? Is greater balance or expert attention necessary for activities?

  1. Repeat the whole process year:

Return to step one every year to assess again your CPD Program. Apart from that, make adjustments, where applicable, so that you can better meet the ongoing changes within your career.

Practice scope:

All member’s CPD Program must have a well-defined individual scope of practice; essentially, a description of current or anticipated practice. APEGS recognizes the practice of professional engineering and the practice of professional geoscience in the widest sense. It includes the teaching and the management of engineering and geoscience. That spans from traditional technology to leading-edge technology in geoscience and engineering.

Refer to The Engineering and Geoscience Professions Act, SS. 2(m) and 2(n) for the complete detailed practice descriptions.

The member currently holding Permission to Consult or/and are Engineering Licensees or Geoscience Licensees will have a practice scope. That is defined (Field of Practice). This scope of practice must have utilization for their CPD Program.

Every other member must self-declare their practice scope. For defining a scope of practice, describe the present position and relevant areas of practice in professional engineering or geoscience.

A member’s scope of practice might be dynamic and has the potential to change through the course of their career.

When a scope of practice is self-declared, the scope of practice textbook on the CPD page of the member’s online profile shall be maintained and completed. The member having Permission to Consult or/and are Engineering or Geoscience Licensees can’t change their scope of practice. If they want to do so, then they need approval from APEGS.

CPD Plan:

The further step is to prepare a CPD Plan. This plan will assist you in gaining and improving the necessary knowledge, maintaining or enhancing necessary skills or attaining new abilities. The judgement is choosing activities must relate to the individual’s scope of practice that work best for your continual learning.

A CPD Plan will help in recognizing gaps between what you know and what you need to know. CPD Plan formats may be different. They may be documented with forms that APEGS provides, forms employers provide or forms the member creates. Regardless of the format, CPD Plans have to be documented.

You can find examples of completed CPD Plans on the APEGS website. If a member assumes a new position or takes up important new responsibilities within their current role, they may need to review and modify their CPD Plan accordingly.

At least, CPD Plans are necessary to have the following information:

Job role

Member name

Scope of practice description

A list of learning activities that you have planned for the calendar year.

Keep in mind:

CPD activities have to relate to the individual member’s scope of practice.


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