Reading is wonderful. One way to have a good time is to pick up a book, sit comfortably in a chair and escape reality for a while to another place, time, or even another world. On the pages of a variety of literary works, you can find your desires and dreams, fascinating ideas and sources of inspiration, valuable information, and user experience. All this is available not only to you but also to your children.
However, in today’s world, children are exposed to many distractions, which makes it much more difficult for parents to do such a noble task as instilling in their child a love of reading good literature. Books today have a huge number of competitors: gadgets, technology, an active social life. Therefore, you will have to work hard if you want your children’s eyes to light up just at the thought of reading.
There are several effective steps parents can take to encourage their children to consciously ditch their game console or social media in favor of an interesting book. Whether your child is six months old or six years old, it’s never too late to start instilling in your children a love of reading that will stay with them as they transition into adulthood.

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1. Start as early as possible
The sooner you start instilling a love for books and the process of reading, the easier it will be for you to maintain this beneficial attachment later on. Even if your child can’t read on their own yet, read to them yourself. No child is too young to read. Just choose books that are appropriate for your baby’s age and get used to reading with your child.
2. Visit libraries together
The library is often the place where children first become interested in books. Take your child regularly with you to the local library or bookstore, so from childhood, he will begin to get used to the special atmosphere that prevails in such book places. If you enroll your child in an age-appropriate library, they will be able to meet like-minded people and other children who love books.
3. Do not force or impose your opinion
If you want your child to enjoy reading, let him choose the works that interest him. By providing this choice, you will significantly increase the chances that the child will love the process of reading. Coercion in this situation, on the contrary, can discourage children from picking up a book.
4. Be an example
It is parents who have the strongest influence on children, their behavior, and habits, especially at an early age. Therefore, be a good example for a child that he wants to imitate. Let him see how you read books and enjoy them. If a child regularly watches how you plunge into the world of literary works, then sooner or later he will want to pick up a book and join you.
5. Build a Habit
Habits are what shape our behavior. Turn reading into a ritual, making it an integral part of any day. If the child is still young, read to him at the same time every day, for example, before bedtime or after morning water procedures. At the same time, link this useful habit with some positive actions to maintain interest.

6. Support the child
Children need to feel the support of their interests from the people who are important to them, that is, their parents. If your child has begun to actively read books, show him how important his hobbies and desires are to you. Give him a work that he has long dreamed of, get a beautiful table lamp, or allocate a special place for your child to read and arrange it as comfortably as possible. Children feel much more confident and motivated when they feel supported by their parents.
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