Computers and Technology

What is data structure and its types & classification?

data structure and its types

The foundational elements of algorithms as well as their practical algorithms are the structures of data. A well-designed algorithm that makes use of the data structure is comparable to a solid building from a structural point of view. In order to construct a good structure, all of the components of the house should be constructed in accordance with sound construction guidelines.

Data structures that are well-designed are most beneficial when algorithms are developed around them. If we pay attention, making changes to the data structure doesn’t affect the accuracy of our code since we simply swap an existing implementation with a valid one for another.

The execution time for numerous operations varied across various data structures. To improve the performance of our program We therefore evaluate the efficiency of the operations provided by different data structures and choose the best one among them. We will go over the data structure and the types of it on this site.

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What is the definition of a data structure?

The purpose of using a data structure is to organize various types of data within memory. In the simplest terms, data structures are different ways of arranging information in memory to ensure that different actions can be completed efficiently. It assists us in efficiently managing the process and retrieving relevant data.

Every data structure will consist of two components that are data and actions that are performed on the data. Operations are the methods employed to manipulate data to gain knowledge. Data is information.

Types and Classification of Data Structures

Primitive data structure

The most fundamental element that is essential to data structures are the fundamental data structure. It is a predetermined way to store only one kind of data. It is therefore able to save a single data value in the memory of a specific area. Boolean (true and false), the char (16 bits) and the byte (8 bits) Short (16 bits) and int (32 bits) and long (64 bits) floating (32 bits) and double are a few examples of primitive types of data (64 bits).

Non-Primitive Data Structures

From primitive data structures, non-primitive data structures are derived. It is a data structure defined by the user which organizes different kinds of data into a single entity, while keeping the connections between the various data elements.

The linear data structure: In this scenario the pieces are ordered or linked in a linear manner. In other words things are only accessible or examined in one direction. The linked list, the array stack, queue, and linked list are but a few examples for the linear structure of data.

The Non-Linear Data Structure Elements location in this instance does not follow a sequential pattern. That is, each element of data has the capability to be connected to multiple data elements. The connection between pieces is a hierarchical one, and there are a variety of methods to connect one type of data to the next. Set, graph, tree and other linear structures of data are just a few examples.

What Are the Classifications of Data Structure?

There are so many concepts and features that it’s easy to get overwhelmed by the variety of terms. As we’ve seen, data structures and even the data itself may be divided into different categories. This volume of data can trigger additional questions.

Let’s examine the classifications to help us understand the data structures. There are three major types of data structure, each one with two distinct properties.

Linear and Nonlinear

Data is organized into an orderly sequence by using a linear structure such as an array list or queue. Nonlinear structure is when data is linked between two or more information pieces similar to the graph or tree and not creating a sequence.

Static and Dynamic

The static structures as their name implies consist of permanent, fixed dimensions and structures at the time of compilation. The programmer already set aside a particular size of reserved RAM to the array. Dynamic structures are characterized by non-fixed capacity for memory that may alter based on the requirements of the program and how they will be used. The location of the memory may also change.

Homogenous and Non-Homogenous

Similar types of data elements form homogeneous data structures, like element collections within an array. The data contained in non-homogenous structures, like structures, do not have to be the same type.

Why Are Data Structures Useful?

IT-related functions can greatly benefit by data structure, particularly when applications become more complex and the volume of information available. Here are some reasons to explain the importance of data structures.


The most important element that a programming language has are its data structures. They are the most requested topic for interviewers during technical interviews. This is likely because one of the key skills a programmer must possess is being able to pick the correct data structure. Professionals who are well-versed in the fundamental structure of data and the various types of it, and the capability to alter their structure to improve efficiency are favored in big projects or when advancing the project forward, particularly when dealing with huge volumes of data.


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