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Types of Leadership styles by Delaena Kalevor

Are you looking for ways to improve your leadership skills? If yes, then you should read this article from Delaena Kalevor. Leadership styles and frameworks are important concepts to master to become a successful leader.

The concept of leadership has evolved. In ancient times, leaders were known as kings or chieftains who ruled their tribes. As civilization progressed, leadership became more formalized. Today, a leader is defined as the ability to influence other people toward achieving organizational goals.

According to Delaena Kalevor, Leaders also guide the team toward a common goal. There are several leadership styles, each with advantages and disadvantages. Knowing these styles will help you develop effective leadership strategies.

Difference Between The Two

Leadership styles and frameworks are different ways of leading people and groups towards a goal. 

  • Leadership styles are techniques that leaders use to get their teams to work together effectively. 
  • A framework is a guide that helps leaders understand how to lead their teams. 

1. Leadership Styles

  • Controlling

Controllers lead their subordinates by telling them what they should do. Controllers are often seen as “taskmasters” who insist that people follow clear instructions without much room for interpretation. These leaders tend to set rigid rules and expect their followers to comply. They may even appear humble at times. Controllers tend to believe that, because they know best, others should follow their orders unquestioningly.

  • Inspiring

Inspirational leaders inspire their followers by demonstrating confidence while providing guidance and positive expectations. Leaders who adopt this style make it a point to model the behaviors they want their followers to exhibit. At first glance, inspirational leaders may seem overbearing or overly enthusiastic, but they are generally not malicious. If anything, they are charismatic and have high standards for themselves. 

  • Participating

Participating leaders share information openly and honestly with their team members. Although this style requires that team members actively listen and respond appropriately, participating leaders rarely control their teams. Instead, they try to keep everyone informed and let the group decide how to handle issues. They recognize the importance of collaboration and teamwork. However, some participants can sometimes become self-absorbed and unwilling to accept constructive criticism.

  • Directing

Directors provide direction to their followers. It includes giving tasks, assigning responsibilities, setting goals, and establishing timelines. These leaders hold ultimate responsibility for the success of a project or organization. Their focus is on results rather than interpersonal relationships, points out Delaena. They are good at delegating authority and empowering their subordinates. However, sometimes directives can be viewed as manipulative and controlling.

  • Coaching

Coaches build trust with their followers by communicating openly and honestly about their strengths and weaknesses. Coaches are supportive and nurturing and typically willing to give advice and offer encouragement. A coach will not hesitate to challenge their follower’s beliefs and values, which can be difficult for many other leadership styles.

  • Delegating

Delegators assign tasks to team members to complete. Delegators are responsible for monitoring progress and ensuring that tasks are completed on time. They are excellent problem solvers who use creative solutions to get things done. Delegators are comfortable with ambiguity and enjoy solving complex problems. 

2. What is A Framework

A framework for a leader is a set of principles that guide their behavior and actions. These principals help them lead others towards success and achievement. To establish a strong foundation, leaders need first to understand what they stand for, says Delaena.

  • Be True To Yourself

This means being authentic and having integrity. You should always do things right for yourself, not just what people expect. If you try to please everyone else, you might end up pleasing no one.

  • Set Goals

Leaders should set goals for themselves and their team. Setting goals helps them stay focused and motivated. When you know where you’re going, you’ll get there faster.

  • Take Action

When leaders take action, they show their commitment to their work. Taking action shows that they believe in themselves and their team. Leaders who don’t take action only encourage laziness among their employees.

  • Lead By Example

Leadership comes from example. If you want to influence others, you have to live your values and beliefs. Leaders who follow good practices demonstrate those same qualities to their followers.

  • Listen

Listening to those around you makes you a better leader. Listening makes you a better communicator. People respect leaders who listen, so ensure you pay attention to your team.


Understanding different leadership styles and frameworks will help you develop leadership skills that will serve you well throughout your career. Delaena Kalevor claims that you will also gain insight into how to lead others effectively, which will improve their performance and productivity.

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