
How To Choose The Best Resume Format For Freshers

Best Resume Format For Freshers

The right resume format for freshers will catch the attention of the hirer or hiring manager,

The resume format helps you (the candidate) stand out from the crowd. To do this, you need to make your resume professional, easy to read, and easy to understand. There are several ways to format your resume to best suit your situation. One of the most common resume formats is chronological. Your employment history is listed above, and you can also add a summary of your experience and educational qualifications. In this article, we discuss how to choose the best resume format for freshers.

What are the three main forms of resumes?

Before evaluating the format, it’s important to understand the purpose of your resume. This is important because tenants read hundreds of resumes for every job profile they hire. Therefore, you need to provide information quickly and efficiently. The best resumes always provide the recruiter with the right information without unnecessary details, external sections, etc. Here are the top three resume formats to consider when formatting your resume

1 Chronological Resume Format

The chronological resume format is also a simple resume format that supports relevant professional achievements and best experiences. Highly recommended for candidates with extensive and consistent work experience. However, you should choose this format if you have years of professional experience, have little or no gap between jobs, or have worked for clients in the same industry for several years.

In a chronological autobiographical format, experiences are recorded in reverse chronological order, with the most recent position at the top. This has been the gold standard for resume writing for years. However, if your career is long and you have worked in the industry for many years, you need to focus on the last ten years of your experience.

2 Combination Resume Format

The resume combined format is a mix of skills and achievements and recent work history. It is a good choice for applicants who are junior or advanced and have skills that match the job description. You can use this resume format if you are a working professional with 1-3 years of experience, there are no gaps in your work history, changed jobs or industries, recently graduated from college, etc.

3 Functional Resume Format

are you fresher? If so, the functional resume format is the recommended new simple resume format, also known as a competency-based resume. It focuses on emphasizing the candidate’s skills rather than work experience. It is one of the best options for job applicants who do not have relevant work experience. Choosing a functional resume with the right skills will help you impress your prospective hiring managers and let them know that you are a great fit for their company.

Read more: Job application format

Resume Format Pros And Cons

Here are the advantages and disadvantages of the above-mentioned resume formats:

Resume Format Advantages

  • It is a highly used format
  • Logical flow format
  • Easy to read for the employers
  • Organizes a variety of experiences
  • Impersonate gaps in work records or short-term jobs
  • Focus more on skills instead of jobs
  • It is a simple resume format for freshers with no experience.
  • Highlight relevant skills, accomplishments, and job experiences
  • Impressive for the employers
  • In-depth research

Resume Format Disadvantages

  • It is not good for job seekers who have multiple employment gaps
  • Not suitable for candidates with no work history
  • Shows lack of related experience and industry changes
  • Lack of information leads to suspicion of the employers
  • Highly time-consuming
  • Can be confusing as it is not organized
  • Should be revised before sending it to the employer


Are you ready to build your resume? These three are the best resume formats for freshers and professionals. It is important to choose the standard resume format based on the information you want to provide. We hope the above format and example help you to bag that job offer! 

Also Read: What are the types of communication skills at the workplace

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