Top 6 Effective Ways To Save Water in Your Apartments
Water is a precious resource. One of the ways you can make good use of it is to save it when you are in the shower. If you are looking for ways to accomplish this, read on.
We all know that water conservation is important, but it can be difficult to begin conserving at home. It is, however, an easy task when it comes to your shower. Here are some effective ways to save water in your apartments in Calicut.
Rainwater Harvesting
There are many ways to save water in your apartments. One of the most important ones is to harvest rainwater. Rainwater harvesting is collecting rainwater that falls on the roof of your home or office building, using it for various purposes, and then channeling it into the ground. This keeps it from flowing into storm drains, which causes flooding during rainfall. RainWater can be utilized for washing garments, watering plants, and different purposes.
To implement this idea you need to make an arrangement for rainwater harvesting so that the rainwater won’t flow to drain lines in the city. To do this you should purchase some waterproof barrels or tanks which will store the water that has been collected from the roofs of your buildings, offices, homes, or other buildings that are owned by you or that you have permission to use. These barrels should be made of materials that are resistant to water damage, rusting and other things which can affect them.
Use Tippy Tap
For saving water in your apartments, you should use a tippy tap for washing your hands. This is the best way to save water because you will only use up to 10% of the water that you usually use. You can set the tap out of the sink to drip instead of running it into the sink every time you wash your hands. The dripping water can be collected in a bucket and used elsewhere.
This is also good for the environment. Some people might think that this method is not effective enough but I guess they are wrong. If you change the settings of your taps to reduce the flow rate, you will decrease up to 90% of water wastage. Every drop counts, right?
3. Leak Fixing
Leak fixing can be done as one of the simple ways to save water. The water, which flows through the pipes, can be saved by fixing any sort of leakages in the plumbing system.
If you know how to fix leaks, then you can save more than a thousand gallons of water in your home. If you do not know how to fix them, then it is suggested that you hire a professional plumber for this purpose.
The most common type of leak is the faucet leak. This is because it accounts for about 30% of all leaks in homes. The most common reason behind this is the worn-out washer. When the washer goes bad or wears out, then this will result in leaking water from the faucets.
You can check for this problem by turning off all the faucets and see whether there are still small amounts of water dripping from any of them. If yes, then change the washer with another one available in the market.
Water Plants In The Morning Or Evening
Watering your plants in the daytime is a waste of water. Watering your plants in the evening or at night will help them to grow better.
The reason is that there is a huge loss of water through evaporation during the daytime. This loss can be cut down by watering your plants in the evening or at night.
Watering your plants in the evening or at night will also make you sure that they are watered properly. You can see whether they need more water or not. By seeing the amount of moisture on the soil, you can judge whether you should give them more water or not. It is better to wait for some time until it becomes dry before watering them again. Otherwise, there will be excess of water and it may lead to root rot if the excess water stays for long.
Wastewater Recycling
Wastewater recycling does not only help us in saving a lot of water but also in a lot of ways. It is a process that converts the wastewater into reusable water. The recycled water from the wastewater is actually treated and then reused for various purposes. You can opt for wastewater recycling in your apartments as it will help you in saving a lot of water, thus reducing the burden of excess usage of water on earth. if you are owning a flat in Tata tritvam Kochi then you don’t have to bother about wastewater recycling. they are having an inbuilt unit of waste recycling.
Use Brooms For Cleaning
There is no need to use a hosepipe to clean the sidewalks in your apartment. The best thing you can do in such a case is to use a broom and sweep all the dirt on the sidewalk. This is because when you are using a hosepipe to clean the sidewalks, water will get wasted by spraying it over the walls, sidewalks, and even your own house.
If you want to save water, make sure that the water doesn’t get wasted by choosing the right method for cleaning your home. To prevent water from getting wasted, use brooms instead of hose pipes.
To wash your car, clean your windows or collect rainwater that falls down on your car’s hood or roof, you can use a hosepipe. However, if you are not planning to do any of these things, it will be better if you choose another method for cleaning your home.
It’s time to put your knowledge of techniques on how to save water in apartments. To sum up all the tips, you should remember that there are some facts about water consumption that are very helpful for saving this valuable resource. The first thing is that it’s crucial that you do not use more water than necessary. I mean, you have to understand that if you’re using 15 gallons of water every time, this may be way too much. So, try to save water in your apartment by taking a shower instead of a bath if possible and always ask yourself if you need it or not.