10 Best Writing Practices for Display Ads
Best Writing Practices for Display Ads
There are many professional ad copywriters that work for boutique agencies or as freelancers. When they write an advertisement, it is more than just words typed on a page; what they create can evoke emotions and compel people to act.
Professionally written display ads must be cleverly crafted to convey pertinent information about services or products in a way that will catch the reader’s attention without overwhelming them with too much text. Here are ten professional practices employed by professional ad copywriters known for creating effective advertisements:
Provide Necessary Information Upfront
The first sentence should do more than state the product or service that is being advertised; it should also indicate how this product or service can benefit the customer. If there is a specific target market which this product or service was created to serve, that should be stated in the first sentence as well.
Be Straightforward And Direct
No professional ad copywriter would ever begin their work with the word “How”. For example: “How professional ad copywriting can create better advertisements” is not an opening line for an article about professional writing practices. To avoid putting customers on the defensive, professional ad copywriters never ask rhetorical questions in their ads; instead, they just present information and allow readers to draw their own conclusions.
Avoid Clichés Like The Plague
Professional ad copywriters know that professional customers will not be impressed by professional clichés. In fact, some professional customers will consider a professional cliché to be a professional embarrassment and a professional failure.
Avoid Professional Jargon
What is the point of being smart if you cannot communicate your message in a way which everyone can understand? Nowhere is this more clear than when professional companies attempt to advertise their services or products; they often use language which means nothing to anyone who is not already part of the professional industry. If an advertisement for landscaping services includes words like “mulch”, “weed whacking”, and “liner dirt”, it will only confuse everyone who is considering hiring landscapers.
Use Professional Graphics
Professional ad copywriters know that professional graphics can help professional customers. Imagine what they could accomplish if they hired professional industry experts. So it is no surprise that professional ad copywriters rely on professional graphic designers. To create effective advertisements for their clients.
Keep It Short And Sweet
Long articles are intimidating articles; professional ad copywriters keep their articles brief by using sub-headings. That clearly separates different aspects of their message from each other.
Avoid Specialized Lexicon
When a professional lexicon is necessary, professional ad copywriters use plain English synonyms whenever possible. For example, professional ad copywriters will use the words “lease” or “buy”. Rather than professional industry jargon like “sign a professional contract”.
Keep it Professional
Professionalism is a trademark of professional companies. So professional ad copywriters avoid making any references to mistakes or failures in their advertisements. By someone else’s professional negligence, even if this fact is true.
Use an Active Tone
When professional ad copywriters refer to people as objects or as passive participants. In the process of hiring professional industry experts. Readers feel disconnected from the professional ad copywriters’ message. Professional ad copywriters show professional respect by using professional language. Which promotes professional relationships between professional clients and professional industry experts.
Be Honest
No professional company wants to hire professional liars, so professional ad copywriters never disguise the truth in their advertisements. Instead, they present information to promote honesty while also promoting the positive aspects of hiring professional companies for professional purposes. By following these ten best practices for writing effective display ads, any business can improve its online advertising presence while simultaneously improving relationships with potential customers.
So, after reading through this blog post on the 10 best display ad writing practices. To use in your marketing strategy, what are you waiting for? Contact us today and we’ll be happy to help you create a stellar digital advertising campaign that will drive sales. Which of these did you already incorporate into your own online marketing plan?