You can make a lot of money by offering babysitting services. Attracting new clients may be difficult. The good news is that there are numerous ways you can make your babysitting service known and increase the chances of gaining new clients. Adverts are best approached from many different angles, making use of word-of-mouth recommendations and placing them in places most likely to catch parents’ attention. As an additional way to attract clients, pass out business cards.
1. Create & Distribute Flyers
Develop and distribute flyers to promote your babysitting services. To establish a favorable image, use graphics related to children in the flyers and words such as “reliable,” “trustworthiness,” “experience,” and “nurturing.” Flyers can be handed out at community events, especially those for children, and posted on bulletin boards in places where parents are most likely to hang out, such as libraries, grocery stores, and laundromats. Consider disseminating your flyers at school and church flea markets as well.
2. Run Ads in Newspaper
Advertise babysitting ads in newspapers that serve the area you will cater to. Advertising can be placed all year round, but back-to-school and summer editions are especially popular with parents.
3. List your Services
List your services on babysitting websites or create a profile. You can add a listing to some of these sites for a low cost or for free.
4. Referral Program
Ask your family or friends for referrals. Share with them that you will be starting a babysitting service and ask them to tell their friends and family.
5. Create a Website
You can start a website about babysitting and include articles about the service, along with images of happy children and caring caregivers. You can include keywords that relate to your location and babysitting, for example, “Philadelphia babysitting business.”. Search engines may be able to locate your articles with related keywords. Furthermore, a signature line that includes the URL of your website may help you attract new clients from parenting and family-related message boards.
6. Backlinks from Relevant Sites
Promote your babysitting business website on parenting and family-oriented websites in your area with banner ads linking to your site. Be sure to put your website address on all your advertising.
7. Run Ads on Other Online Platforms
Advertise your babysitting service online. People who sell, buy, and trade items on a site often have a section to offer services as well.
8. Advertise your Business at Local Daycare Centers
Display your flyers at local daycare businesses or ask them to refer potential clients to you. You may not see your business as a direct competitor since daycare centers rarely provide weekend or night care.
9. Make use of Door Hangers
Advertise your business by preparing door hangers and hanging them on doorknobs throughout the area you serve. Make the door hangers appealing to potential clients by using child-related graphics.
10. Spread the Word out with E-mail Campaign
Identify local message boards for parents and families where you can announce your new babysitting service. You can spread the word by signing up for family-friendly email groups.